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dom1n0 #318563 üzenetére
kicsit meglestem, pl. [link]
[2015 garmin-forerunner-225-depth-review]
"the optical sensor so beautifully overlaps tracks with the Scosche that you can’t even see the differences there....
FR225 lags a few seconds behind (meaning it’s lower as my HR rises and falls) during this effort. Not enough that it’d really impact any training programs, but nonetheless, it lags slightly. The Apple Watch has again lost the plot.
Note that today’s optical HR sensors do not accurately gather heart rate variability (HRV/RR) information. This can be used to better understand recovery as well as gather data such as VO2Max metrics. The technology is very very close (probably months away), but today’s sensors simply aren’t there quite yet.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that there will simply be a segment of the population (my guess is 1-5%) that optical sensors today just don’t work well on. It may be due to one’s skin tone, your arm hair, tattoos, or the amount of fat (or lack thereof) that triggers it."#318561Dark Archon: aha
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