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Vásárlási segédlet - Karbantartás - Egyéb hasznos dolgok
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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
There is a misconception that newer, narrower chains commonly found on 1X drivetrains are not as durable as previous drivetrains. Zero Friction Cycling has done a lot of testing in this space and has found that 12-speed chains are actually the most durable chains ever created, and not by a small margin either. This is due to advancements in materials engineering, metal hardening and coating treatments.
More than 30 chains have been tested by Adam on a converted smart trainer (250w resistance, 90RPM) with lubrication and contamination controlled. The test is stopped when the chain reaches 0.5% wear (or elongation), as this is the point when the chain starts to accelerate wear on your cassette and chainrings.
High-quality 12-speed chains are lasting 4000 to 6800km in this test, with equivalent 11-speed chains running closer to 3000km.
For 8, 9 and 10 speed chains, the accelerated wear starts at 0.75%. As chain wear is not linear, the best estimates allow us to add 20% extra kilometres to those shown in the graph above, which would mean an Ultegra 10-speed chain will wear at ~3300km and an Ultegra 9-speed chain at ~2500km.
If these numbers look a bit low, it’s because the chains were tested with contamination to simulate real-world conditions. You can reduce chain wear by riding in dry environments, by keeping your chain super clean and by using a wax lubricant.
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Város: Budapest