
2024. május 26., vasárnap



(#107546) Samott válasza Jahno (#107545) üzenetére


Nem ertem mirol beszelsz, a toyotanak volt gondja a gazpedal potmeterrel a teslanal nem volt meg erre panasz. Ott a linkemen az amcsi hatosag vizsgalatanak eredmenye, minden egyes esetben bebizonyosodott hogy a juzer volt a hulye es a gazt taposta a fek helyett. Nem a tesla a hatosag allapitotta ezt meg. Itt te vagy az aki kodositesz, nem vagy hajlando megerteni a szitut.

Mashonnet: "Tesla's accelerator pedal is actually the exact same drive-by-wire pedal used in several other manufacturer's vehicles. It's highly proven technology over decades. Nothing special at this point. No Tesla secret sauce here. Just two hall effect sensors with slightly different curves for redundancy and position validation. If they don't agree, the car doesn't move. If one has an issue, the car reduces power and gives an error. I've personally never seen one of these throttle assemblies have a problem because they're literally as basic as these things can get. It's plastic, a spring to return the pedal to rest, and two hall effect sensors for positioning. They're rock solid on reliability and used in millions of vehicles."

[ Szerkesztve ]

(There is always a last time for everything.) Overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out.

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