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  • #25954560

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    válasz Daywalker #16595 üzenetére

    Kangaroo meat

    The Australian kangaroo industry estimates that it exports kangaroo meat to more than 55 countries. Kangaroo meat is increasingly popular and export markets are expected to increase since kangaroo is considered one of the finest game meats. Its growing appeal stems from its well-flavoured, slightly gamey taste. Kangaroo meat contains very little saturated fat relative to other meats and is high in protein, zinc and iron.

    The European Union and Russia are the most significant markets with the USA and Asia becoming increasingly important. All kangaroo meat processed for export undergoes strict inspection by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service to ensure that it is fit for human consumption.

    In addition, all kangaroo meat processing plants must have a certificate of registration and are examined and certified in accordance with the strict requirements of importing countries.

    Kangaroo furs, skins and leather

    Kangaroo skins and furs are exported to a large number of markets in Europe, the USA and Asia.

    Kangaroo skins are exported in different stages of treatment: salted, pickled (semi-processed) and tanned. Like all kangaroo exports, these products are strictly sourced from only the six most abundant species outlined above.

    Some kangaroo skins are traded as furs, while others are sold for the leather.

    Although pickled skins generate the most export earnings of all kangaroo skins and furs, there is a growing export trade in finished kangaroo leather. Kangaroo skin is renowned for being very strong, yet light in weight. It is ideal for use in the manufacture of high-quality leather goods, including footwear. Because of kangaroo leather’s high tensile strength, it is also suitable for the manufacture of sporting footwear.

    While only a limited number of kangaroos of certain species may be harvested, a full range of high-quality kangaroo products is available for international markets.

    az ozzy kulker miniszterium honlapjarol :)
    roviden: husa finom, bore konnyu es eros :D

    vegyuk eszre h a 'harvest' iget hasznaljak. sztem marhara nem tenyesztesrol van szo :)

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