
2024. május 3., péntek



(#71751) Kékes525 válasza Stanlee (#71742) üzenetére


50 nap túl sok. Maximum 35 napig tartható el a szárazjég hőmérsékletén a vakcina. Azaz egy része tönkremegy, ha nem gyorsítanak. [COVID-19 Vaccine U.S. Distribution Fact Sheet]

"The Pfizer thermal shippers, in which doses will arrive, that can be used as temporary storage units by refilling with dry ice every five days for up to 30 days of storage."

"After storage for up to 30 days in the Pfizer thermal shipper, vaccination centers can transfer the vials to 2-8°C storage conditions for an additional five days, for a total of up to 35 days. Once thawed and stored under 2-8°C conditions, the vials cannot be re-frozen or stored under frozen conditions."

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