
2024. június 22., szombat


Téma összefoglaló

Téma összefoglaló

  • Utoljára frissítve: 2024-04-17 19:00:18


AMD K6-III, és minden ami RETRO - Oldschool tuning
Megnyitott a Retro beárazás topik!

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(#21771) benedekco válasza bacsis (#21770) üzenetére


Szarul de büszkén. Nekem úgy rémlik, hogy valamilyen directx kompatibilis volt az eszköz. Annak idején a JediKnight-al toltuk textúra összemosással, 4megás virge-el.
Vagy mire gondolsz?

angol wiki: "Part of S3's marketing plan for the ViRGE included the "S3D" standard, stating that members of the ViRGE family carried the S3D Graphics Engine. Games that supported ViRGE directly put this logo on their box so owners of the 3D card would know that it would run as well as possible on their computer. And, despite its lackluster 3D-speed, the ViRGE did receive some S3D enhanced games, due in large part to the brand prestige S3 carried in this period: ViRGE-enhanced versions of Terminal Velocity, Descent II, Tomb Raider and MechWarrior 2."

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