
2024. június 5., szerda



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Téma összefoglaló

Téma összefoglaló

  • Utoljára frissítve: 2015-02-27 09:59:50

Összefoglaló kinyitása ▼


(#107191) cskamacska


Megvót a Noct. Már amennyire egy Early Access Z-urvival ZombieCraft játék meg tud lenni. Gondoltam megörvendeztetem Lackót egy leírással, de mivel Silky Bitchmittens ♥ nagyjából leírta mi a helyzet, így Crytek Gúgel fordító képességeit edzem helyette:

"Set in an empty world of copypasted bright rectangles and squiggly branches, and featuring a deep choice of weapons including which identically performing rifle name you prefer. Rich survival mechanics include instant death on contact with terrifying NPCs that can walk through objects, melee attacks by other players, and bullets - manage your entirely immobile food and health meters with food and health pickups which will often pop into existence on a timer in front of you, and drink liters of water to jog a few steps.

The 'narrative' is a set of three or four long-distance walking objectives with brief, short-sentence dialog between the player and a radio voice consisting of mostly meaningless "go here push button" "why?" "because I told you to". If you don't mess around, it offers a scintillating 20~30 minutes of markers to walk to.

In its current state, it's a nice proof of concept. It has a beautiful ambient soundtrack. It would make a nice deathmatch sandbox if it was smaller, and a great survival sandbox with some more content and some actual use for food and health. The spinning FLIR camera point of view is disorienting and fun. I hope they make a game on it some day."

Ez a cucc egy prototípus, itt nem játéktartalom, hanem egy tényleges új játék kellene, hogy kapjon valamit az ember a pénzéért. :U Nem ajánlott. :(

[ Szerkesztve ]

"Para mis amigos todo, para mis enemigos la ley"


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