
2024. június 25., kedd


Téma összefoglaló

Téma összefoglaló

  • Utoljára frissítve: 2024-06-21 12:50:35


Összefoglaló kinyitása ▼


(#57409) fraser22 válasza fatal` (#57404) üzenetére

lelkes újonc

Kicsit türelmetlenkedtem, megint felvettem a kapcsolatot a supporttal és ezt a választ kaptam: "Sometimes there is a technical error, basically a catalog error, that you have ordered these items from your side, but it has not been registered to us or received to us."

"So, I can solve this error for you, and you can have the item at your doorstep. In this case, I can release the shipment of these items and you will receive the items in the next 5 days."

"I have successfully released the shipment for your products. . Now, as the order is received, it will take a normal time of 48 to 60 hours for the order to get shipped, and in the next 7 days, you will receive the item."

Ami tök jól hangzik és most minden happy de az előző support akivel beszéltem ezt nem látta?

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