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  • wwenigma


    válasz Laza... #49955 üzenetére

    Es a masodik hozzaszolas:

    Hi, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please understand that we DO NOT ask for photos of your drivers licence or credit card to prove your identity for no reasons. We only do that when there is a problem occur during the process of your money transaction. The reasons can vary from customer to customer. For example, some times there are fraud orders, in order to make sure that it's not someone else purchasing items using your account, we have to ask for payment identity. It is for your own good. If you cannot offer the identity, we are not supposed to send your order. Your understanding will be much appreciated.


    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Steam: http://bit.ly/1rRuf8p , Origin: wwenigma -- | -- Jiayu F1 / G3C / OT995 cuccok: http://bit.ly/1w44CI2 -- | -- ZTE V5 Red Bull -> http://bit.ly/1mgtfrd -- | -- Xiaomi RN3SE -> http://bit.ly/2r8DlV7 -- | -- Live Stream: twitch.tv/wwenigma

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