
2024. június 1., szombat



Fórumok  »  Gazdaság, jog  »  Revolut

Téma összefoglaló

Téma összefoglaló

  • Utoljára frissítve: 2023-12-13 05:06:27

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(#42350) ForRedGlory


Elkezdtek írogatni nekem a revolut appban chaten ilyen hülyeségeket, az most valami vicc? Már ettől megborultam…

Hello! My name is Danny. I hope you are doing well.
Could you tell us if you currently hold or have held any of the following positions:
- Head of Chancery - Embassy of Hungary To Ireland?
If you don’t hold this position anymore, please provide the time frame you had.

Írtam nekik, hogy hagyjanak a hülyeségükkel, mégis honnan veszik ezt a baromságot? Erre fel másik ügyintéző meg ezt írta…

We completely understand the trouble and inconvenience this may cause you. We sometimes have to ask our users to provide us with additional information and documentation regarding their identity for verification purposes. This is a part of our standard security measures - I hope that you understand we're legally obliged to perform these verification if necessary.
Like all financial institutions, Revolut are legally required to comply with some regulatory rules. One of them is to establish whether a customer is a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or a close relative or associate of one. We really appreciate your help and understanding on this matter and your cooperation will speed up the verification process.

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