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  • Ringman


    válasz Z.É.T. #63560 üzenetére

    nem kéne már omikronozni, hanem kiírni a ba.2/4/5-öt, nem sok köze van az előzőekhez már, pl. pfizer szerint a ba.1-specifikus boosterüknél:

    Omicron-adapted monovalent candidate given as a fourth booster dose elicited a 13.5 and 19.6-fold increase in neutralizing geometric titers against Omicron BA.1 at 30 µg and 60 µg dose levels; bivalent vaccine candidate exhibited a 9.1 and 10.9-fold increase against Omicron


    In a SARS-CoV-2 live virus neutralization assay tested on sera from participants over 56 years of age and older, sera efficiently neutralized BA.4/BA.5 with titers approximately 3-fold lower than BA.1. Pfizer and BioNTech will continue to collect additional study data on Omicron BA.4/BA.5 over the coming weeks.

    Eladó használt nyergek: SQLab 611 Ergowave CrMo 14 cm: 30e | Ergon SR comp men road S/M 22e | Pro Turnix Perf. AF 275x132 mm 25e || Használt Cane Creek eeSilk 27.2 x 350mm Road 20 mm 63e

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