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  • inf3rno


    válasz Chuck Norris #38432 üzenetére

    Alvással kapcsolatban még ezt találtam:

    "The 48-hour event lies at the center of the no sleep/must sleep spectrum. Some runners try to run for two days without sleep, especially if they're shooting for a record, but most runners choose to take one or more naps ranging from 30 minutes to several hours. I have done it both ways. In a November 1993 race at Gibson Ranch in Sacramento, I took a 90-minute nap the first night, followed by a 10-minute nap the second night on my way to a 213.75-mile performance. In November of 1999 at the Texas A&M 48-Hour in College Station, I took only a few 7- to 8-minute naps during the second night, en route to a 216.41-mile total. Either way seems to work, but it's a good idea not to schedule the sleep breaks rigidly. It's most efficient to run until you can't keep your eyes open and then take a nap. Decide ahead of time how long you intend to allow yourself to sleep, and ask a crew person or bystander to wake you at the right time. (If you plan to wake up on your own, you might snooze your way through the remainder of the race and not wake up until the middle of the awards ceremony.) "

    Szóval 48 órásat lehet alvás nélkül is, meg minimális alvással is, és nagyjából hasonló lesz az eredmény. A minimális alvás itt olyan 10-30 perc, ha már tényleg hulla vagy. Olvastam másnál is, hogy ilyen negyed órákat alszik több napos versenyen, ha már nem bírja, a 6 óra meg ilyesmi az meg kb. kizárt, ha rekordot akarsz dönteni, mert akkor az időd negyede alvással telne.

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