
2024. június 7., péntek


Téma összefoglaló

Téma összefoglaló

  • Utoljára frissítve: 2014-09-04 17:21:16


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(#5440) Bondi

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Találtam a múltkor az egyfontos árusnál egy jó könyvet: The Evil Empire - 101 Ways That England Ruined the World. Egy jenki írta a puddingokról, nyilvánvalóan és gátlástalanul elfogult, de szórakoztató olvasmány.

Unlike the Germans and the Japanese, the British have never been confronted with the fact that their past is not a innocent as their historians would have them believe. This is why they feel so comfortable arrogantly blaming everything on the United States. Is my country to blame? To anwer this question, I usually deploy what I call the Bathroom Analogy. Say John Bull walks into a public bathroom. Having had a traditional English breakfast of lamb guts, and fried potatoes, he proceeds to clog up the toilet with an enormous stinking dump. He then walks out without saying a word. In walks Uncle Sam, ready to take an imperial shit of his own. He notices the toilet is clogged and starts going at it with the plunger. It may appear to those waiting outside that Uncle Sam is causing the delay, when really, as you'll see, he's dealing with the mess that John Bull left behind.
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