- A laposföld elmebaj: Vissza a jövőbe!
- Asszociációs játék. :)
- Fűzzük össze a szavakat :)
- A fénynél gyorsabban
- Elektromos rásegítésű kerékpárok
- Ingyen kellene, de tegnapra
- eBay-es kütyük kis pénzért
- Nagy "hülyétkapokazapróktól" topik
- "A homoszexualitás természetellenes" 😠
- PLEX: multimédia az egész lakásban
A Blizzard 2007. május 19-én a Blizzard Worldwide International keretein belül bejelentette, hogy fejlesztik minden idők egyik legsikeresebb RTS-ének folytatását, a StarCraft II-t. A játék alapjaihoz nem nyúltak, a második részben is három fajjal szállhatunk harcba: a rovarszerű zerg-gel, a kolonizáló földlakó terran-nal és a hi-tech űrlény protoss-szal. Rengeteg új egység mellett régi ismerősökkel is fogunk találkozni, a történet pedig a Brood War után veszi fel a fonalat.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
nyert a ferdeboy.. =( ez a baeling drop igazán ütős..
viszont ha jól hallottam, akkor jön egy visszavágó..
[ Szerkesztve ]
válasz iSonic #15153 üzenetére
Növekszik a zerg játékosok száma a döntősök között . Már 3 zerg is bekerült a legjobb 16 ba . Ez persze nem baj , de miért pont Jinrot tolta le egy zerg .
Kár . De legalább lesz még egy Jinro meccs.
Sierra Leone sokat szenvedett népének és mindazoknak , akik hiszik , hogy a pokolban is élhetnek Angyalok. UI .: Diabló él !!
Jinro nyert OLÉÉ, másik srácot, meg küldik a bányába..
Végre mosolygott Jinro Izgalmas egy meccs volt.
Sierra Leone sokat szenvedett népének és mindazoknak , akik hiszik , hogy a pokolban is élhetnek Angyalok. UI .: Diabló él !!
válasz iSonic #15157 üzenetére
mouz tegnap megneztem az egyik replay-ed....az elejen a 170-es amp-nek van barmi jelentosege? lattam mar korabban valami index cikkben is, hogy igy tunningolnak jatek elott, de erzel Te barmilyen kulonbseget....? (mert ekkora amp-vel mar kulon nevet kene adni a marinoknak, es kulon akciozni veluk )
Ki gépen száll fölébe.... SC2 nick: oxox character code: 698...dio3/ow: oxox#1525 + #21838
hát konkrétan az elején csak szintbe hozom a dolgokat.. úgymond felpörgök.. csak ennyi értelme van.. ha éppenséggel nyerek egy meccset, akkor úgy 90-100 között van az AMP-em, ha veszitek, akkor olyan 75-85 között.. de hangsúlyozom csak felpörget arra jó..
[ Szerkesztve ]
válasz iSonic #15160 üzenetére
gondoltam, hogy valami hasonlo....egy korabbi replay-eden (azt hiszem a proxy gateway probalkozasnal) neztem, hogy az scv-ket ugy kuldted ket helyre az elejen, hogy csak pislogtam ...vissza is tekertem (en az egy hely, majd mozgas kozben fele mashelyre iranyitast hasznalom...a tied meg mintha egy parancs lett volna...lehet nem fotelbol kene jatszanom?! , bar ez meg asztalnal ulve is szep lenne tolem)
[ Szerkesztve ]
Ki gépen száll fölébe.... SC2 nick: oxox character code: 698...dio3/ow: oxox#1525 + #21838
aktív tag
Psy egy korábbi videójában javasolt egy másik látványos megoldást is: az F1 megnyomásával kiválasztasz egy drone-t/SCV-t/probe-ot, majd jobb egérrel egy ásványra küldöd, ezt kell 6-szor megismételni. Ha elég gyorsan tudsz kattintani, akkor nagyon látványos, ahogy szinte egyszerre mindegyik gyűjtő megindul egy-egy kristály felé.
válasz hajsza #15163 üzenetére
ezt kiprobalom otthon....bar azt hiszem nekem nem egyszerre fognak megindulni
(#15162) sith7 -ohh a nyakamnak nagysagrendekkel jobb ...bar azt hiszem az asztal a monitoron felhasznalo a monitor ele gubadva 15cm-re lenne az idealis...dehat a kenyelem mar ilyen korban fontosabb az eredmenynel
Ki gépen száll fölébe.... SC2 nick: oxox character code: 698...dio3/ow: oxox#1525 + #21838
pont most néztem vissza 5 replay, amiből 4-1 arányban jöttem ki és azt láttam, hogy az első meccsbe átlagba volt 70-es AMP-em, az utolsó két mérkőzésbe meg már 80-90.. szóval ha az ember belejön, akkor iszonyatosan tud kattintgatni és koncentrálni.. mellesleg múltkor néztem qxc és Catz mérkőzését és ott is qxc felspannolja vagy 400-ra az AMP-et aztán a végén van neki 130-150-ig... szóval tényleg csak arra szolgál ez az egész, hogy egy alap ritmust adjon a meccshez..
ez az F1-es dolgot én is kipróbáltam még anno és tényleg nem rossz..
[ Szerkesztve ]
Hali, nem olvastam vissza, de allitolag ma van valami uj patch. Amiben lesz chat meg grafikai javitas (ambinet). Ha lesz akkor ma en is felnezek, es tolk a gep ellen valamit. Mert mar mindent el felejtettem 2 honap alatt.
Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1106198411061984/
"I love not man the less, but Nature more" // Giant TCR Adv. '16 Di2 // Fenix 7 SS // FiiO BTR3 + Truthear ZERO
alakul, 2K pontos diamond T-t sikerült megverni, nem rossz meccs, T részéről drop-ok, részemről megkerülős harass-ok (nydus sokat segíthetett volna, gondoltam is rá de valahogy nem jutottam el odáig, hogy meg is építsem)
Mid-game macro részemről borzasztó volt, cserébe ő nem volt a helyzet magaslatán micro terén
Van még hova fejlődni, de kezd alakulni a formám...
Mára ennyi, holnap vizsga...
[ Szerkesztve ]
"I love not man the less, but Nature more" // Giant TCR Adv. '16 Di2 // Fenix 7 SS // FiiO BTR3 + Truthear ZERO
Már frissítik SC2-őt mert nem lehet belépni .
Jó lenne tudni meddig tart
[ Szerkesztve ]
Sierra Leone sokat szenvedett népének és mindazoknak , akik hiszik , hogy a pokolban is élhetnek Angyalok. UI .: Diabló él !!
tölti a frissítést
Ki gépen száll fölébe.... SC2 nick: oxox character code: 698...dio3/ow: oxox#1525 + #21838
jó olvasást!
Nekem most játszanom kell!!!!!StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.2.0.
To get the latest news and interact with the community, visit our StarCraft II website. Be sure to check out our Game Guide for an in-depth look at StarCraft II gameplay. We wish you all the best on your journeys through the embattled Koprulu Sector!
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.2.0
Battle.net Chat Channels have been added! Players can now join others in both public and private channels.
Added in-game chat bar command to whisper to other players. Using the "/w" command will open up a list of available friends, party members, chat channels, and other players within your current game.
Added Battle.net option to auto-join previous private channels.
Added Battle.net option to prevent chat channel text from appearing in in-game chat display.
A new Master League has been added! This league now represents the highest tier of players.
Customizable Hotkey Support has been added.
Stalemate Detection has been added. This will end the game in a tie for all remaining players if no players have income, production, or destroyed structures for three consecutive minutes. A countdown timer will now appear when the game detects this scenario.
An Extreme graphics option is now available. Players can now configure screen space ambient occlusion.Additional Improvements and Changes
Several help dialogue and tech tree improvements have been made:
In-game help is now available in Battle.net.
The help dialog’s tech tree has been improved.
Unit information in the help dialog now displays abilities and upgrades.
Several Save/Replay File dialogue improvements have been made:
Added ability to sort replays and saved games by name and date.
Added ability to right-click and rename a replay or saved game from within the game interface.
Added a new tab for auto-saved games and unsaved replays.
Added an option to permanently save all replays. Checking this option will mark all unsaved replays as being saved.
Added visibility for where replays and saved games are being saved to.
Added a "Show in Folder" button which will open the location where a replay or saved game is stored on your computer.
Camera following behavior for observers and replays has been improved.
The System Alert panel has been moved to the top of the screen and the duration of most system alerts has been reduced.
Mouse buttons can now be bound to the Push-To-Talk hotkey.
A hotkey indicator option has been added to show the primary hotkey on top of command buttons.
When selecting a Vespene geyser, the number of current harvesters will be displayed in the info panel.
Added an option to disable any error sounds. The Response Sounds checkbox now controls whether unit-specific audio is used for error sounds instead of a generic buzz.
Added Game UI layout per-map overrides. Map makers can now use custom UI layout files to create new UI or override existing game UI.
Added a toggle button to the in-game replay panel to Show or Hide the timeline/duration information.
Added hotkey to Pause/Resume game for both single player and multiplayer (Pause/Break key).Balance
Players can no longer block off ramps with two 2x2 buildings.PROTOSS
Hallucination research time decreased from 110 to 80.
Cost decreased from 50/100 to 25/75.
Build time decreased from 45 to 35.
Void Ray
Now deals 20% more damage to massive targets.
Flux Vanes speed upgrade removed.TERRAN
Repairing SCVs now assume the same threat priority as the unit they’re repairing.
SCV construction movement has been made more consistent.StarCraft II Editor Improvements
Map locale management has been added.
Further editor tips and hints have been added.
New trigger functions, actions, and events have been added:
New trigger functions:
Verify Bank - used to verify that a bank’s signature is intact.
New trigger actions:
Bank Option - used to change options for banks including adding a signature.
Remove Inventory Item - used to instantly remove a requested item from an inventory.
Set Visibility Type Of Text Tag - used to control whether fog or black mask hides the tag.
New trigger events:
Mouse Moved - sent in response to the mouse being moved in the game world.
New unit properties have been added:
Carried Minerals, Carried Vespene, Carried Terrazine, and Carried Custom Resource.
Bounty (XP) - used to grant experience when a unit is killed.
New Effect Used event property has been added: Life, Shields, and Energy changed.
Copy/paste support has been added to the upgrade editor.
Behaviors can now be replaced by either the shortest duration (the original method) or by farthest distance.
Behavior abilities can now properly charge the player using the ability instead of always charging the owner.
Right clicking an item in an inventory will now have the icon appear immediately next to the cursor.
Font Style Files can now be added to Mods and Maps using the FontStyleFileArray field in GameUIData. Existing styles can have their individual attributes overridden or entirely new styles can be added.
UI Layout files can now be added to Mods and Maps using the CustomLayoutFileArray filed in GameUIData. Most existing frames can be modified or overridden and entirely new templates can be added which can be created from the Dialog system within the Editor.
Attributes and values can now be hidden in the game lobby and can be configured through Game Variants.
The mouse wheel now scrolls the control under the cursor.
Copied doodads now retain their height offset.
Attribute and Veterancy behaviors now normalize vitals when new levels are applied.
Mouse clicks & highlights are now allowed while in relative camera mode.
Edit boxes are now available for trigger dialogs.
The game will now properly find custom imported files within mods.
Maps can now depend on even more mods.
Dialog Items can now be hooked up from already existing frames within a created Panel.
Change Focus commands are now available in the Trigger module View menu for switching input focus directly to different areas.
The water editor layout has been improved.
Effect offsets can now optionally contain a Z component.
Added a new type of Dialog Item called Panel. Panels are containers for other dialog items to help with grouping and hierarchy.
Added new UI to insert text tags for data references, unit info, and hotkeys.
Added an effect range to the effect ability to restrict how far away the effect can be placed. This will allow effects to behave like the Stalker Blink effect.
Added a behavior flag to suppress fidgeting.
Added a new stalemate melee option to determine whether the stalemate detection checking is enforced.
Added a new “Creator” player to effects. It will be set to the player issuing an order if available.
Added a new type of item that can use an effect ability.
Added a validator that checks to see if a unit can path to a point.
Added a validator that checks if there is a cliff between two points.
Added MinimapRenderPriority to CActorUnit and MinimapRenderPriorityList to CActorGlobalConfig. This allows custom map makers to define the render priorities of units on the minimap.
Added a Locale sub-menu in the Mod menu for changing the active text locale for the current document.
Added a Mod Info dialog in the Mod menu for more easily changing mod name and description text.
Added a Modify Locales dialog (also in Locale sub-menu) for adding or removing text locales.
Added an Editor Tips dialog in the Help menu (and optionally on start up) with tips for using the editor effectively.Bug Fixes
All diagonal ramps are now the same with regards to unbuildable locations at the bottom of the ramps.
Critter health bars are now hidden unless highlighted or selected (if status bars are set to show when units are selected).
Orders can no longer be canceled by clicking on the info panel in challenges before the challenge begins.
Text tags are now paused when the game is paused.
Autocast state for abilities will now reset to the default state when unit ownership is permanently changed.
Autocast repair will now charge the player requesting autocast functionality.
Repair will now clear its autocast state if the owning player leaves the game.
Harvest orders no longer end if an order is queued while waiting to return cargo.
Harvesting units no longer avoid enemy units.
Hold position units no longer automatically move out of the way when placing a building.
Enemy units no longer show passive buttons in the command card.
Missiles are no longer affected by Vortex.
Actors with a large number of create events no longer crash the map.
Fixed an issue where cliff jumping units were able to traverse unpathable terrain.
Fixed an issue with units trying to get out of the way so buildings can be constructed.
Fixed an issue with harvesting units bypassing force fields.
Fixed an issue where melee units were unable to attack a colossus when it was on a cliff.
Fixed an issue where larva would not wander around.
Fixed an issues where loading a saved Challenge could improperly overwrite the best score.
Fixed an issue with animation stutters when flying units are separating.
Fixed an issue where units could push opposing units when they shouldn't have been able to.
Added "Detector" text to the info panel for units which can detect cloaked or burrowed units.
Added combat reveal tinting to help show that combat reveal units cannot be hit.
Protoss structures can no longer be powered without a power source if constructed while powered by a Warp Prism under the effects of Neural Parasite.
Mass Recall can no longer target larva or eggs.
Fixed an issue where units that were picked up by a Graviton Beam would still block pathing on the ground.
Fixed an issue where a Zealot could burn its Charge cooldown without actually moving.
Changed the position of the Select Builder button on Terran buildings, and changed the hotkey to Q.
SCVs can no longer continue construction on a building from inside an adjacent bunker.
Fixed nuke dot not being visible all the time.
Fixed an issue where you could see an enemy MULE drop pod in some cases where you didn’t have vision of the target location.
Fixed an issue where a Medivac would be able to continue healing a unit that was stuck in a Graviton Beam if the Medivac had started healing the unit before it was picked up by the Graviton Beam.
Fixed an issue where a Thor would continue to channel 250mm Strike Cannons on an uplifted Terran building if it lifted off at just the right time.
Fixed an issue where a Thor could get stuck channeling if a player queued up multiple targets for 250mm Strike Cannons.
Fixed an issue where SCVs could continue repairing at a short range even though the structure they were repairing was blocked by Force Fields.
Creep will now spread evenly in all directions.
The Burrow and Cancel Neural Parasite buttons have been moved on the command card.
Fixed an issue with Ultralisk unable to attack a row of sensor towers.StarCraft II Editor
The “For Each Real” and “For Each Integer” actions will now correctly execute once when the starting and ending bounds are equal while the increment is also zero.
Items dropped from an inventory will now use their default height when dropped.
The View Script command will now view library scripts if the library list has focus.
Carried and equipped item behaviors and weapons are now restored properly when a unit is revived.
Publish dialog now updates storage information after removing a published file in the Managed Published window.
Dropdowns now correctly select items as you type using partial matching.
Standard dependencies can no longer be modified in the Dependencies dialog (only added or removed).
Camera following can no longer be disabled via hotkeys if it was requested via triggers.
Fixed an issue with editing stylized text values when using system locales other than English.
Fixed an issue with Veterancy experience share filters.
Fixed an issue when editing mover data where values were not being saved correctly.
Fixed an issue that prevented certain changes to angle values.
Fixed an issue where selection circles would drop when a flying unit was over a cliff.
Fixed an issue where the scroll bar for tree views could disappear.
Fixed an issue where triggers setting the mouse relative could result in the mouse being stuck in relative move mode.
Fixed an issue where setting the color of a dialog item of type label wasn’t working.
Fixed a crash that could occur while editing upgrade values.
Fixed text truncation with Set Text actor message.
Fixed display of ability command links in the Overview Manager.
Fixed many areas where English text was displayed instead of localized text.
Fixed a crash when destroying a persistent effect.Ki gépen száll fölébe.... SC2 nick: oxox character code: 698...dio3/ow: oxox#1525 + #21838
válasz kovsol #15184 üzenetére
ilyenkor pl amikor nincs sero kitűnő az időpont egy kis alváshoz azért közbe még ph ra felnézek néha meg sc2 őt is megnézzük hátha megy már .
[ Szerkesztve ]
Sierra Leone sokat szenvedett népének és mindazoknak , akik hiszik , hogy a pokolban is élhetnek Angyalok. UI .: Diabló él !!
És elindult újra a battlenet server.
Csináltam egy Prohardver csatornát joinoljatok be . Gondolom kétszer nem kreálja meg a csatornát ugyan azon a néven.
[ Szerkesztve ]
Sierra Leone sokat szenvedett népének és mindazoknak , akik hiszik , hogy a pokolban is élhetnek Angyalok. UI .: Diabló él !!
csendes tag
Már dobálja a népeket Master ligába a bnet. Azt írják fórumokon hogy kb 2100 pont fölött már esélyes hogy feldob, bár ez úgyis feljebb megy a köv napokban.
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csak 1v1 ben van ilyen master liga amúgy ?
May the Force be with you!
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