
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • m3ss


    nem tudom, de ugy tunik erdekelte a zsurit :K

    "One guy here in Estonia sent the very same picture to our national nature photo contest. He's telling us that he took the photo by itself and also telling beautiful stories about shooting situation.
    Now we have to prove that he's not the author of those photos to eliminate the guy from contest. Can you help us?
    Please send a original RAW-file or JPG with camera data to my e-mail heiko@looduseomnibuss.ee. I give you a word that we do not misuse it.
    So we can go further.
    If you have more questions, I'm ready to answer.
    Heiko Kruusi
    organiser of "Looduse Aasta Foto 2013" contest"


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
