
2024. június 11., kedd



(#6208) diegho válasza szebe (#6207) üzenetére


Ha lesz bejelentés. Sajnos draftolta a Spurs, tehát csak a Spurs viheti át, pedig 100%-ig biztos vagyok benne, hogy máshol jobb helyen lenne. A máshol pedig a Bucks.

Hihetetlen, hogy még mindig nem szakadnak le arról, hogy KD otthagyta a Thundert. Mit nem lehet ezen megérteni? Az egyik ilyen hater megnyilvánuláshoz már hozzá kellett szólnom:
Im not a GSW fan, im a die hard LAkers fan, but i cant agree with you. What KD did was the right move. He was running away from OKC, he was upset, coz the whole Organisation said Westbrook is thier star. Westbrook was the main guy, but KD was the better player. It was not "if you can't beat them, join them". It was i want to exit this system, the system that paid insane money @Kanter, the system that let Harden go, the system that kept Perkins around. The system that was not able to hire any prooven Veterans to join them in years, to help in the playoffs. It was the only move he could do. He run away from a very bad Organisation, from a cheap owner. If you want to run away from something that is hurting you, where you go? You go to the best place. The best place was the Warriors. Im 100% sure, that if the Warriors could not sign him, he goes to Boston or Washington, coz both of them are a way better fit for him, then the OKC. I dont blame Kevin for doing this, he had to move, and not just take the money like a lot of other stars.

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