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válasz KaqXar19 #12955 üzenetére
itt a valasz:
Good afternoon ______,
Thank you for contacting VCC International.
Your comments have been forwarded to the engineering and design department for consideration and discussion at the product quality meetings that are held on a regular basis, however, the product team are not customer-facing and we regret that a personal response from them will not be possible.
Although our product development divisions continuously follow individual reactions from customers like yourself, car design is always a matter of compromise. Nevertheless, feedback from customers is always kept on record, and we would like to assure you that your views will be filed and forwarded to the appropriate department for consideration in the future development of Volvo cars.
We wish you many more happy kilometres in your Volvo XC40 Recharge.
Kind regards,
Volvo Cars International
Dept. 63781
Assar Gabrielssons Väg, SE-405 31 Göteborg, Sweden
Registered Office Göteborg, Sweden
Registration No. 556074-3089InWin Chopin MAX eladó
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