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    válasz Darth-anyán #17876 üzenetére

    Attól, hogy magyarul jobban tetszik neked igeként értelmezni a fordításaikat, azok még gerund-ok maradnak. :K

    Példák gerundra a Wikipédiáról:

    Examples of use

    The following sentences illustrate some uses of gerund clauses, showing how such a clause serves as a noun within the larger sentence. In some cases the clause consists of just the gerund (although in many such cases the word could equally be analyzed as a pure verbal noun).

    Swimming is fun. (gerund as subject of the sentence)
    I like swimming. (gerund as direct object)
    I never gave swimming all that much effort. (gerund as indirect object)
    Eating biscuits in front of the television is one way to relax. (gerund phrase as subject)
    Do you fancy going out? (gerund phrase as direct object)
    On being elected president, he moved with his family to the capital. (gerund phrase as complement of a preposition)
    Using gerunds of the appropriate auxiliary verbs, one can form gerund clauses that express perfect aspect and passive voice:

    Being deceived can make someone feel angry. (passive)
    Having read the book once before makes me more prepared. (perfect)
    He is ashamed of having been gambling all night. (perfect progressive aspect)

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