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A warez minden formája tabu, mindenki használjon legális módot az alkalmazások beszerzéséhez.
Milyen alkalmazást ajánlunk kérdésre a válasz elég nagy valószínűséggel az összefoglalóban található.
Nem alkalmazás specifikus kérdésnél a telefonod típusát, android verzióját is írd le.
Hasznos tippek, információk találhatóak az összefoglalóban, ezért erősen ajánlott kinyitni és elolvasni a felesleges és ismétlődő kérdések elkerülése érdekében.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
NOVA discord:
"It is with a very broken and heavy heart that I have to make this announcement. After 8 years, 9 months and 5 days, I am no longer employed by Nova and/or Branch Metrics.
Yesterday, August 7th, Branch laid off 100+ employees in a massive layoff across the entire company. Myself, along with Rob, and many others with great talent were affected.
As many of you know, and for those that don't know, I worked for Nova for 8 1/2+ years starting back in November 2015. It was one heck of a great, enjoyable ride that I wouldn't trade for the world.
I'm not sure what the future holds for me personally, but I see this as an opportunity to move on to something bigger and better. Though with the great experience I had at Nova, better seems tough to accomplish.
Again, this has been an amazing journey over the past nearly 9 years and I am certainly sad for it to end. I'm going to miss so many things about this job. My boss, the users, the customers, the flexibility and of course the amazingly talented people I got to work with along the way!
I want to give a huge thank you to Kevin Barry himself who gave me this opportunity nearly 9 years ago. I never imagined how this job would change the lives of both myself and my wife. I've done so many things because of Nova that I never thought I'd get the chance to do.
I also want to say thank you to folks such as Alex Austin, Phil Wall, Steve Blackwell and numerous others at Branch. Alex was the one who brought me over to Branch with the acquisition of Nova 2 1/2 years ago and gave me yet another opportunity of a lifetime and I couldn't be more thankful.
To all of you, the Nova users and community, thank you for being so awesome and providing great laughs, great times and so much more over the years. Especially to those of you who have ever taken the time to speak in the Nova Discord server. You've brought so much joy to my life over the years and those memories will last a lifetime.
As for the future of this Discord server, I will have an update in the coming days with details as to what happens next. I hope you'll all stick around for what's next here.
If anyone knows of any positions that are available in the customer support/customer specialist side of things, please let me know as I would like to get something similar to what I've been doing for the past 8 1/2 years. I would also like it to be 100% remote if at all possible.
While today is a sad day, the future is bright and here's to whatever the future has in store, which I'm sure will be more awesome things.
@everyone <@&873172144677351434>"
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
● Tilos a warez!
● A Factory Reset Protection (FRP) megkerülésében nem nyújtunk segítséget!
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Város: Budapest