
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • ReFleXx


    Hogy itt is meglegyen:

    Paypal egy órája küldött nekem egy levelet, hogy ha esetleg vissza kell küldenem gariba bármit akkor annak postaköltségét állják (12 alkalommal).

    We can refund your return shipping costs in 2015*.

    Shop online with us in 2015 and, thanks to our Refunded Returns service, you don’t need to worry if something’s not quite right. We can refund your shipping costs when you return something you’re not happy with, on any website you pay with us, even from international websites.

    *See conditions. The Refunded Returns service is offered by PayPal Pte. Ltd, in partnership with Telus International Europe, the service manager. There is a cap per Refund request. The amount of this cap depends on your country of residence: 30€ maximum for Greece, Finland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus and Malta, 820 CZK maximum for Czech Republic, 9,300 HUF maximum for Hungary, 130 RON maximum for Romania, 55 LV maximum for Bulgaria, 100 LTL maximum for Lithuania and 220 HRK maximum for Croatia.

    Emailben vagy egy link amire ra kell bökni, hogy ezt aktivaljak, nem értem miert ne lehetne ez default mindenkinek.

    You can now shop online with PayPal and if your purchase isn’t quite right, return it, your postage will be refunded. Worldwide.
    You can make twelve returns through December 31, 2015. It’s as simple as 1-2-3. Just don't forget to keep your posting receipts.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák