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Ryder Notes: Rossi Continues To Dominate
by jules ryder, on the ground at catalunya
Saturday, March 04, 2006
If Honda weren't panicking yesterday, they would be entitled to today.
The top Honda, Nicky Hayden, is eighth-fastest behind three Yamahas, two Kawasakis, one Suzuki, and one Ducati
The track emptied early as clouds came over the circuit leaving Rossi top from the Dunlop shod Checa--who looks like a racer reborn on the M1.
Yamaha have clearly invoked the old Kel Caruthers mantra: what wins this year is what won last year plus 5%.
Fourth fastest Colin Edwards refuses to point out one area that is significantly improved, saying it would be an insult to his engineers. Instead he says: ''Is the traction improved? Well, yes... is the engine better and again answers his own question in the affirmative. He will go through the whole bike like this if you let him, although he did single out Ohlins for special praise, which would indicate the occasional 2005 complaint of an imprecise front is cured.
Jerry Burgess reckons Yamaha have been super smart in not bothering to cure last year's bike while it was winning and instead concentrating on getting the new one spot on. He could be right: again.
The weather is turning so tomorrow's timed session could throw up a few surprises.
Watch this space.
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