- t72killer: Egy gyors töltőteszt
- f(x)=exp(x): A laposföld elmebaj: Vissza a jövőbe!
- sziku69: Fűzzük össze a szavakat :)
- Toomy: Majdnem banki adathalász csalás áldozata lettem.
- Luck Dragon: MárkaLánc
- Luck Dragon: Asszociációs játék. :)
- Mr Dini: Mindent a StreamSharkról!
- GoodSpeed: Samsung Galaxy SmartTag2-esek a tolvajok ellen!
- D1Rect: Nagy "hülyétkapokazapróktól" topik
- sziku69: Szólánc.
Az összefoglaló átalakul, fontosabb infók a hajtás alatt!
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
senior tag
GTA Online Weekly Update release time (March 21, 2024)
Bocs, nem csináltam hozzá linkeket., de itt az eredeti Reddites link
Weekly Challenges:
Podium Vehicle: HVY Nightshark
Prize Ride Challenge: Place Top 3 in the LS Car Meet Series 2 days in a row (Daily Reset Times)
Prize Ride Vehicle: Vapid WinkyTime Trial: Up N Atom
Test Ride 1: Annis S80RR (Removed Vehicle)
Test Ride 2: Benefactor Schafter LWB(Removed Vehicle)
Test Ride 3: Grotti Cheetah (Removed Vehicle)PS5 and XBox X|S Only
HSW Time Trial: Textile City
Premium Test Ride: Pegassi Weaponized IgnusThis Week's Salvage Yard Robberies
The McTony Robbery: Willard Eudora
The Cargo Ship Robbery: Truffade Z-Type
The Gangbanger Robbery: Dewbauchee Vagner
This Week's ChallengeParticipate in 6 Drift Races to earn GTA$100,000
Luxury Autos
Fathom FR36
Albany Cavalcade XL
Deluxe Motorsports
Benefactor Stirling GT(Removed Vehicle)
Canis Seminole Frontier (Removed Vehicle)
Western Cliffhanger(Removed Vehicle)
Hijak Ruston(Removed Vehicle)
Western Rat Bike(Removed Vehicle)Bonuses
2X GTA$ and RP
Wildlife Photography Challenge (Next-gen Only)
Drift Races
Motor WarsPurchase the HVY APC (Military), HVY Insurgent Pick-Up (Off-Road), or HVY Chernobog (Military), all available at 40% off from Warstock Cache & Carry, to get the HVY Tee. (Not known whether if you already own them if you'll still get the tee shirt)
25% Off
Salvage Yard Properties (+Upgrades and Modifications)Vehicles
40% Off
B-11 Strikeforce
HVY Chernobog
HVY Insurgent Pick-Up30% Off
Mammoth Patriot Mil-Spec
Pegassi Weaponized IgnusGun Van
Precision Rifle (30% off for GTA+ Members)
Pump Shotgun (30% off)Daily Objectives
Thursday: Participate in the Drift Race Series
Friday: Participate in Motor Wars.
Saturday: Play a match of Tennis.
Sunday: Participate in the Featured Series.
Monday: Participate in a Rally Race.
Tuesday: Participate in the Community Series
Wednesday: Complete a Project Overthrow missionGun Van Location (Changed Daily)
Gun Van Stock:
Baseball Bat
Tactical SMG (10%)
Unholy Hellbringer (10%)
Precision Rifle (10%)
Pump Shotgun (30%)
Nightstick (10%)
Assault Rifle (10%)Throwables
Tear Gas (10%)
Pipe Bomb (10%)
Sticky Bomb (10%)
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Topik szabályok:
- Elemzés Milyen vasat rakjak a GTA V alá?
Város: Budapest