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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
senior tag
Kint a patch.
Thanos -> 6/10
Space Stone -> On Reveal: Next turn, you can move one card to this location. Draw a card.
Quinjet -> Now reduces costs to a minimum of 1.
Red Skull -> 5/13 - Ongoing: Enemy cards at this location have +1 Power.
She-Hulk -> 6/9
Aero -> 5/8 - On Reveal: Move the last enemy card played this turn to this location.
Mystique -> On Reveal: If the last card you played has an Ongoing, copy its text. (if it's in play)
Absorbing Man -> If the last card you played has an On Reveal, copy its text. (if it's in play)
Taskmaster -> On Reveal: Set this card’s Power equal to that of the last card you played. (if that card's in play)
Morbius -> Morbius’s Power no longer updates in-hand or in-deck, only at a location.
Knull -> Knull’s Power still updates in-hand, but no longer updates in-deck.
Widow’s Bite (text-only) -> While this is in your hand, you can't draw cards.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Város: Budapest