
2024. június 29., szombat


Téma összefoglaló

Téma összefoglaló

  • Utoljára frissítve: 2024-04-22 13:48:44


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(#105761) SzGee válasza nort_on (#105760) üzenetére

aktív tag

Minden azért nem marad :O [link] pld 20.000 EUR lesz a kártérítési limit

Ja, és a beutalási számlaszámok is tuti változni fognak, elfelejthetjük az ingyenes forint átutalást megint azt hiszem... :U

How am I protected against loss? Are there any material differences that will apply to my relationship with IBIE compared to those that apply to my existing relationship with IBCE?
As investment firms, both IBCE and IBIE are required to keep client funds segregated from their own funds so that if either of them becomes insolvent, client funds will not form part of their property for insolvency purposes and will be returned to their clients.

In certain cases, if an investment firm has failed to properly segregate client funds, it may not be possible to return these funds to the client should the firm becomes insolvent. Both Ireland and Hungary have compensation schemes in place to provide certain protections to clients if this happens. A key difference between those schemes is that the maximum amount of protection under the Hungarian scheme is €100,000, while the maximum amount under the Irish scheme is €20,000.

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