
2024. június 28., péntek



(#3503) föccer



Ha valaki ezt le tudná nekem fordítani, azt megköszönném :R

Nem kell pontosan, csak hogy nagyából értsem :)


The best way to play the Kult is to play for objectives
and pick on targets of opportunity. Of course, helping
to create that opportunity is not a bad thing either. You
need to have a big, scary longer-range threat, with which
you can hang back and harass the enemy troops from
a distance. If you can whittle away one or two models
a turn, without your opponent hitting you back, there’s
no real reason to risk your ultra-fragile trukks to go for
more. Let them try to adjust to what you’re already
doing. Use your mobility. You should be dominant in
the movement phase. Don’t forget to use that to your
advantage. You will almost always want to go second if
there are objectives to claim, and deploy expecting your
opponent to go first. With a lot of units that can move
24”, you can wait until the last turn to claim objectives,
giving your opponent no chance to react. Use decoy units
to get your opponent to move or shoot where it benefits
you. Buggies are 40 points. They are throwaway units.
Move a rokkit buggy 24” towards your opponent’s tank
and they now have a threat that they cannot ignore.
Use terrain to your advantage. Move a trukk full of boyz
behind a forest, and you create a 20 inch zone where
your opponent can’t move troops without giving you
an assault opportunity. Pay attention to these zones. If
you can prevent your opponent from moving through an
area to an objective, then you don’t need to claim it until
your last move. Be aware of what can beat your boyz
in assault and avoid them. Daemonettes, Genestealers,
Bloodletters and Daemon princes all probably have your
Unlike a footslogger, you don’t have thirty bodies
to take wounds with, you usually only have ten. That
means that you are already below the automatic mob
check size too. While a unit of thirty boyz can afford to
take five casualties per round, while their Nob pounds
away with his powerklaw, if you lose three boyz and lose
combat, you stand a pretty good chance of being cut
down. Preserving your scoring units is more important
than throwing units into assaults that they are unlikely
to win. You want to pick your battles, run away from
anything you cannot handle, and set it up where you can
whittle it down through shooting before you go back for
the kill.
In the kult of speed, you must play like a human, not
like an ork...

Elégge spéci kifejezések vannak benne. Ezekhez egy kis segítség: [link]


üdv.: föccer

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