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  • r3v0Lut10n

    senior tag

    válasz Jani18 #20120 üzenetére

    GPU órajel mennyit mutat pl CCC-ben ?

    (#20121) zack - A problémát amúgy nem a fentiek okozzák. Fraps-ozni szoktam, de sem tomb raiderrel sem mással nem volt még gondom. Ott valami mással lesz a gond :) Érdemes lenne a frissítést telepíteni .. elvileg orvosol pár hibát ;)

    * Addressed some stability and startup issues on machines that have both Intel and NVIDIA graphics hardware.
    * Fix for players being unable to progress related to the boat in the beach area.
    * Some fixes for crashes on startup and when selecting Options.
    * Some small improvements to TressFX hair rendering.
    * Fixes for various graphics glitches, including certain effects not being visible in fullscreen mode.
    * Fixed a problem that caused some users to not be able to use exclusive fullscreen.
    * Added support for separate mouse/gamepad inversion for aiming, as well as support for x-axis inversion.
    * Fixes related to the benchmark scene and benchmark mode.
    * Various other small fixes.

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