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    válasz csuvicsuva #137075 üzenetére

    És ott vannak még a legszélsőségesebb esetek is, alább egy 2017-ből:

    "Aleksander Trofimov, 37, hacked his friend to death with a knife, after hitting him twice in the head. His friend, Evgeny Lylin, died instantly as a result. The murderer was offended at the victim, he stabbed his dead body 11 times after a while.
    The incident took place in the quite town of Saransk, Russia. The friends used to work together as colleagues a few years ago, and kept in touch ever since. Aleksander invited his friend for a few drinks, and both of them got drunk.
    This led to the discussion about which cooler of a GPU is better, nVidia or AMD. The discussion soon took a turn for the worst and Aleksander ended up murdering his friend for claiming that AMD was better."

    Bár ez a fanboykodás bármilyen területen gáz, egyik haverom nagy star wars fan és nem hajlandó megnézni az új star trek filmeket emiatt, pedig elég jók lettek.

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