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Archívum #1
Archívum #2
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Hátha másnak is hasznos lesz.Apple updated the Battery section of the Settings app in iOS 18 to add a feature that lets you know if you charged your iPhone with a "slow" charger.
Periods of slow charging are shown with an orange bar in the portion of the Battery settings that show battery usage and charging over the past 24 hours or the past 10 days.
We saw the slow charging notice after charging with a 5W wireless charger, as did a Redditor who highlighted the feature. It's not clear what exactly is considered "slow," but the designation is useful for those who are seeing slow charging speeds and aren't sure why.
Image via Reddit
Many wireless chargers claim to be MagSafe while being limited to Qi speeds or below, so this feature could help iPhone users understand why their devices aren't charging at optimum speed. There does not appear to be an option to enable an alert when charging from a slow charger, which could be an arguably better feature because the battery settings are somewhat hidden.There is a tappable information button that accompanies slow charging notices, but as of right now, it goes to a support document that does not yet exist.
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