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chrisnagy13 #18665 üzenetére
Lesznek valamikor újabb erősítőik is.
"At the moment we are voting for a V281 with the same input architecture that can be found on V100/V181/V200
As the amps inside need more space the case will be as high as 2 "normal" units put on each other. So it is easy to build a "cluster" of Violectric gear on top of each other and/or side by side.V282 is planned to have double transformers to power each channel individually. Also it should feature some switchable inputs to act more like a pre-amp. Additionally provisions should be made to add a optional relais controlled volume instead of Alps RK27pot.
We will NOT add any circuitry that renders sound (equalizer) or channel balance (crossfeed).
Finally we are thinking about a V284 which shall incorporate 4 individual amps with their own mains transformers. Analog signals are input via audio transformers so the amplifier channels are fully floating as they are not forced to have a common ground. Volume will be controlled by relais, V284 will have some switchable inputs to act a bit like a pre-amp.
This amp will not be out before 2013 !!"Remek gondolat, legalább meghallgatnám végre az Asust is.
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Város: Budapest