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válasz martonx #3659 üzenetére
".. TypeScript: “a strict superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript”. What “strict superset” means is that all the valid JavaScript that already exists is also valid TypeScript; it’s like the relationship between C++ and C."
"It’s even more different to cross-language compilers like Script# or ClojureScript, which take an entirely different language originally intended for an entirely different purpose and runtime, and hammer it into JavaScript submission. And it’s not a unilateral attempt to replace JavaScript like Google’s Dart, which also compiles to JS, but is primarily intended to have its own virtual machine runtime;"
senior tag
válasz martonx #3659 üzenetére
errol nem is tudtam (Script#). gondolom nem veletlen, hogy most alltak elo evvel egyebkent. szerintem mivel mostanaban kezdett/kezd duborogni a win8 fejlesztes (ahol igen nagy szerepet jatszhat a js), ezert a js-t nem annyira kedvelo (ennek azert van alapja), de a c#-ot mar jo ideje hasznalo fejlesztok siman atallnanak typescriptre (koztuk en is), mar ha az interoperabilitas tenyleg olyan jo, mint ahogy azt az ms allitja.
some men just wanna watch the world burn...
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