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  • ViberMedia

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    @Lacus_84 -
    Adding our calling feature to Viber for Nokia is something we are checking these days (to see how much time it might take, or even if it is technologically feasible on all devices). Unfortunately we still don't have release dates yet, or any official announcements, but we are working on it these days and we hope to publish news soon :)

    @g0dl -
    1.When you use Viber, you can tell indirectly if your contact is online as follows:

    When you make a Viber call, you will first see "Calling". It will change to "Ringing" if your contact is online and their phone is literally ringing.
    When you text, "Delivered" means the message has been received on the other side's phone (they're online). If you only see "Sent", it means it's been sent from you, but pending the other side to come online (they're offline at the moment). So, if messages remain at "Sent" and do not become "Delivered", you might want to check with your destination contact whether or not they are connected to the internet.

    2. Not yet. Viber for PC/Mac is something we are planning in the future. We recommend that you stay tuned for news and updates :)

    @zol.com -
    Unfortunately this is true - Alcatal devices are not compatible with Viber. You can find the full list of officially supported devices here: http://bit.ly/Hm5k9p

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