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OK, megértem.
Az emberek és egyházak rengeteg hibát, bűnt követnek el, de Jézus nem egyenlő azokkal a farizeusokkal. Az Ő korában is a képmutató vallási vezetők és írástudók miatt botránkoztak meg sokan. Ma sincs másképpen.
Thank you for the cross, Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing graceThank you for this love, Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embraceWorthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victoriousHigh and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
The Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the LambWorthy is the Lamb
[ Szerkesztve ]
Hát nem tudom, nem éppen erre gondoltam
Mindenesetre tény, hogy nincs sok hitem sajnos, irigylem azokat akiknek van, hogy szinte vakon megbíznak egy felsőbb hatalomban, de nekem valahogy nem megy Túlságosan földhözragadt vagyok ilyen szempontból. Pedig egyházi gimibe járok, bár inkább a negatív hatásait érzem annak is ilyen szempontból...
Nem tudom, talán egy szép (távoli?) napon "megjön az eszem" de egyelőre nem állok készen ilyesmire. -
Carman - There is a God ( Official Video )
lyrics:93 million miles from the blistering surafce of the sun hangs the planet earth.
A rotating sphere perfectly suspended in the center of the universe. The ultimate creation from an infinate mind. An unbelievably intricate complex design. A supernatural testimony, an irrefutable sign that there is a God.The size, position and angle of the earth is a scientific phenomenon to see.
A few degrees closer to the sun we'd disintegrate, a few degrees further, we'd freeze.
The axis of the earth is titled at a perfect 23 degree angle and it's no mistake that it is.
This allows equal global distribution to the rays of the sun making it possible for the food chain to exist.Or take for example the combination of nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere we breathe every day. It just happens to be the exact mix that life needs to prosper, it doesn't happen on any other planet that way.
You see, the Bible says the invisible things of God are seen through His creation, to believe this is not hair. If there's a design, there's a designer, if there's a plan, there's a planner and if there's a miracle, there is a God.
There is a hope, there is a light
There is an answer to all answers
There is a flame that burns in the night
And I know, I know, I know there is a GodThe Scripture says the heavens decalre the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of His hands. If we allow our minds to drink in all the truth that surrounds the truth that just surrounds us, creation itself with help us understand.
Did you know the moon controls the tides, it's the maid that cleans the oceans. Even the waves don't crash the shores in vain. The tides drag impurities from the depths of the sea, it's nature's constrant recycling chain.
It simply boggles the mind to think that the stars will rotate with such exact precision that it's true. That the atomic clock with an error factor of less than three seconds per millenium is set by the way we move.
Though they silently orbit, the sun, the moon, the stars are like celestial evangelists above. Who circle the earth every 24 hours shouting in every languages that there is a God.
Atheism is the wedge under the foundation of our faith, trying to topple our relationship with Christ. When the fool said in his heart, there is no God, he rejects the truth God painted on the canvas of the night. Atheism has never created an artistic masterpiece, never healed a fatal disease or calmed a fear. Atheism has never still given answers to our existence, peace to a troubled mind or even dried a tear.
For it's God who created heaven and earth and flung the stars in space and breathed in the handful of dirt and it became a man. It's God who sits on the circle of the earth and measures the mountains in a scale, and holds the seven seas in the palm of His hand. It's God who sent His only begotten Son to the cross of Calvary to save our souls from Hell and the grave. It's God who creates, God who delivers, God who heals and God who is worthy of a thunderous ovation of praise.
There is a God, there is a God
And I know, I know, I know there is a GodIN GOD WE TRUST!
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