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Archívum #1
Archívum #2
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
válasz kchris78 #323453 üzenetére
Magyar listát nem találtam, de angolul az alábbiakat:
"New line" (Move to the next line)
"New paragraph" (Start a new paragraph)
"Cap" (Capitalise the next word)
"Caps on" ... "caps off" (Capitalise a section of text)
"All caps" (Make the next word all uppercase)
"All caps on" ... "all caps off" (Make part of what you say uppercase)
"No caps" (Make the next word lowercase)
"No caps on" ... "no caps off" (Make sure part of what you say is all lowercase)
"Space bar" (Prevent a hyphen from appearing in a normally hyphenated word)
"No space" (Prevent a space between words)
"No space on" ... "no space off" (Prevent a section of text from having spaces between words)
"Period" or "full stop" (Place a "."at the end of a sentence)
"Ellipsis" or "dot dot dot"
"Double comma"
"Quote" or "quotation mark"
"Quote ... end quote" or "quote ... close quote" (Place quotes around a section of text)
"Exclamation point"
"Inverted exclamation point"
"Question mark"
"Inverted question mark"
"Open parenthesis"
"Close parenthesis"
"Open bracket"
"Close bracket"
"Open brace"
"Close brace"
"Em dash"
"Percent sign"
"Copyright sign"
"Registered sign"
"Section sign"
"Dollar sign"
"Cent sign"
"Euro sign"
"Yen sign"
"Degree sign"
"At sign"
"Pound sterling sign"
"Pound sign"
"Greater than sign"
"Less than sign"
"Forward slash"
"Back slash"
"Smiley" or "smiley face" or "smile face"
"Frowny" or "frowny face" or "frown face"
"Winky" or "winky face" or "wink face"
"E.g." (pronounced as "e g")
"i.e." (pronounced as "i e")[ Szerkesztve ]
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