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drágább lesz az új EPYC .. ~ 6.2% -16.7% -al
Dell Canada Leaks AMD EPYC Milan Specs, Pricing
The EPYC 7763 is one of many expected 64-core EPYC Zen 3 chips from AMD. This model in particular has a 2.45 GHz base clock, a 256MB L3 cache and a 280W TDP. In comparison to the existing EPYC 7H12, the EPYC 7763 will only be 6.2% more expensive, according to Dell Canada's pricing.
The EPYC 7713 shows identical specifications to the current EPYC 7662, but bear in mind that the first comes wielding Zen 3 cores. The EPYC 7713 could carry a price tag that's 16.7% higher than that of the EPYC 7662.
Overall, Milan doesn't appear to be more costly than Rome. From the processors that Dell has listed, we're looking at price escalation that spans between 6.2% to 16.7%. Considering the performance increases that should come along with the price changes, we're sure AMD won't have too much trouble finding customers.
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