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  • slycugel2000


    Amúgy közben a mod fejlesztőnek is beírtam, mint issue-t, hogy ez a CPU nem bírja, és ő az alábbit válaszolta, ami azért érdekes, mert őszerinte nem a SteamVR-ral / Vive-val van a probléma, hanem tényleg a CPU-val (9900K). Viszont ez alapján akkor a 7700K-val sem kellene játszhatónak lennie, VDXR ide vagy oda. Elég homályos ez az egész sztori...

    Yes, Crysis is ludicrously CPU-limited, and the VR mod has to go through that CPU bottleneck twice for each frame. Even the latest CPU generations cannot complete all chapters without reprojection, and the older your CPU is, the more reprojection you have to accept.
    You can play with the ingame settings a bit, some of them do have CPU impact, the physics for instance. Also, if you enabled the increased view distance in the VR settings, you may want to turn it off again (and then restart the game) as it impacts performance a lot.
    You might also want to experiment with forcing reprojection on in SteamVR, as that may give you a more consistent experience overall.

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