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Az előzmények:
World of Tanks - MMO - Archívum I.
World of Tanks - MMO - Archívum II.
(rögzített hozzászólás)
Rengeteg scam/phising próbálkozás van a játékban! Privát üzenetek formájában küldenek üzenetet, miszerint feltöltöttek rólad egy replay-t valahova. Ezekbe jellemzően be kell lépni a WoT accounttal, de a probléma az, hogy nem az igazi Wargaming oldalon léptet be, így gyakorlaitag ellopja a WoT accountodat. Akárki küld neked privát üzenetet egy website-tal kapcsolatban, soha ne nyisd meg az oldalt!
Ezeket a próbálkozásokat lehet jelenteni itt: https://eu.wargaming.net/support/hu/products/wot/help/29691/29692/29706/ (ezt a linket is ellenőrizd)
[ Szerkesztve ]
Pénztárca bemutatók: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYQxd5Rbby46cPtVVMQodEGZuxZm7csIo
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
törölt tag
#43783936 #96302 üzenetére
Ma megjött a reklamációmra a válasz a supporttól:
Gyakorlatilag csak a bannolós levelet ismételték meg, némileg átfogalmazva, ha jól sejtem ezt is egy automata küldte, mert nem hinném hogy szombaton valaki is dolgozna a reklamációs részlegnél.Hello Tank commander,
First of all, I would like to thank you for getting in touch with us.
Your account has been suspended for using additional software in the game or for joining battles without participating actively or by entering the battle and being "away from keyboard" in order to accumulate experience and credits.
The violation was reported by the Automated Anti Bot and Leeching System and then investigated. The ban was given according to our rules and it is a final decision.
Regarding the information, and procedure taken in gathering the information needed, we do not provide any information to protect the procedure and to make sure that no one is able to exploit the system. I hope you can understand this.
By playing the game, you have accepted the End Users License Agreement and supplementary documents. With this, you agree to read, understand and respect the World of Tanks Game Rules, which contain the following paragraph regarding the rule you have violated:
“4.06. Using bots, clickers, macros, keyboard and mouse recorders, or any other similar methods to accumulate credits and experience without the participation or with passive participation of the player within the battle.”
You can find more information about the Game Rules if you follow these links:
Your account will be unlocked once the sanction has finished. However please note that if this happens again your account will be locked permanently.
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