
2024. június 25., kedd



(#161739) scorpy02 válasza tomrRRR (#161733) üzenetére

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Rakhatod nyugodtan, ma eldől. Ebben az idényben új szabály, hogy a negyeddöntőkben már megszűnik az újrajátszás. (illetve hosszabbítás esetén lehet egy negyedik cserét is végrehajtani).

"In a break from tradition, the FA have officially renamed the stage the 'Quarter-Finals', the name that has long been used colloquially to describe what was previously called the Sixth Round Proper.[19] Changes to previous rules mean that tied matches will go to extra-time and a penalty shootout at this stage rather than to a replay, and that a fourth substitute is permitted in extra time. [19] The round included Lincoln City from Level 5, who became the first non-league club to reach the quarter-finals since 1914.[20]"

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