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  • fuze


    mintha a falnak beszélnék :(

    From Buyer - Ádám Simon8/3/2013 06:10 PDT
    The tracking number has updated:


    20130802, 妥投, 深圳市深南中投递站, 中国

    It is shows you're accepted my item on 2013.08.02. But you're told me multiple times, how you accepted it already, (on 2013.07.30) and sent it to the factory. How can I trust you after this? I am sorry, but I cant continue this anymore. Please refund my money. After that I will close the dispute immediately.

    From Seller - 周 正先8/3/2013 21:21 PDT
    we just received it.And we have sent it to factory for repairing.Please close the dispute.We will sned it back to you as soon as it gets well.

    Érdemes claim-et csinálnom belőle?

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