
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • poli27


    válasz ruszi_tomi #44442 üzenetére

    Azt meg tudod oldani, hogy a kártya kibocsátója (VISA,Mastercard stb) váltsa át és ne a paypal, jobb kb 6-8ft al általában
    lehet választani a paypalnél, hogy a paypal váltsa neked át a bankkártyád pénznemére (HUF) a fizetendő összeget (ami mondjuk USD) vagy megterheli simán az USD összeggel és majd a bankod váltja át forintra.
    ez utóbbi általában olcsóbb, szóval én is átálltam rá.

    My Account -> Profile -> My Money -> My preapproved payments -> Update -> See Available Funding Sources (or Set Available Funding Sources) -> Conversion Options (for card you'd like to change this option)-> Bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice -> Submit

    " Use PayPal's conversion process to complete my transaction using my card's currency.
    Both the original transaction currency and the converted amount that I will be charged are disclosed for my convenience. I understand that MasterCard and Visa have a currency conversion process. I have chosen not to use the MasterCard and Visa currency conversion process, and I will have no recourse against MasterCard and Visa with respect to any matter related to this conversion.
    Bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice.
    I will not know which foreign exchange rate has been applied to this transaction until I receive my card statement from my card issuer. I acknowledge that by choosing this option, my card issuer will determine the foreign exchange rate to apply to this transaction, and that I will not be informed of the foreign exchange rate or any additional foreign exchange fees applied until I am billed by my card issuer.".

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák