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üzemanyag-fogyastás: 4,272 liter/lap
1 kör hossza: 5,334 KmQualify 1
üzemanyag mennyiség: 10 liter
köridő: 1:38,185 s
átlag sebesség: 195,574 Km/hQualify 2
üzemanyag mennyiség: 87 liter
köridő: 1:42,073 s
átlag sebesség: 188,124 Km/h
1. etap hossza: 108 Km/20 lapezen ismert adatok alapján hogyan számoljam ki a következőket:
1.kb átlagosan hány másodperccel csökken a köridő körönként ahogy fogy az üzemanyag.
2.kb.átlagosan mennyivel nő körönként a sebesség ahogy fogy az üzemanyag.
3.a köridő csökkenése alapján az etap hosszának idejét.ha valaki tudja,nagyjából elmondhatná,köszönöm.
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Stockbauer79 #810 üzenetére
nekem pontos fordítás kell,a google meg többi nem az!
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Stockbauer79 #808 üzenetére
köszönöm a válaszod.
azt én is tudom,de én erre gondoltam:The car is lacking some speed in the straights
The car could have a bit more speed in the straights
I am missing a bit of grip in the curves
The car is very unstable in many corners
I cannot drive the car, there's no grip on it
No, no, no!!! Favor a lot more the low revs!The engine revs are too high
Try to favor a bit more the low revs
I feel that I do not have enough engine power in the straights
The engine power on the straights is not sufficient
You should try to favor a lot more the high revs
Please, move the balance a lot more to the backI think the brakes effectiveness could be higher if we move the balance to the back
Put the balance a bit more to the back
I would like to have the balance a bit more to the front
I think the brakes effectiveness could be higher if we move the balance to the front
I would feel a lot more comfortable to move the balance to the front
Please, put a lot lower ratio between gearsThe gear ratio is too high
I cannot take advantage of the power of the engine. Put the gear ratio a bit lower
I am very often in the red. Put the gear ratio a bit higher
The gear ratio is too low
It feels like the engine is going to explode. Put a lot higher ratio between gears
The car is far too rigid. Lower a lot the rigidityThe car is far too rigid. Lower a lot the rigidity
The suspension rigidity is too high
The car is too rigid. Lower a bit the rigidity
I think with a bit more rigid suspension I will be able to go faster
The suspension rigidity is too low
The suspension rigidity should be a lot higher -
csendes tag
tud valaki segíteni,nem találom a neten a pilóta észrevételt magyarul-nem google-fordítósat!
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Város: Budapest