
2024. június 7., péntek



(#2096) td válasza #65675776 (#2090) üzenetére

senior tag

''Az intelligencia és a végzettség között semmiféle összefüggés nincs.''

Na most konkrétan Hitlerről beszéltem. Komoly iskolát nem végzett, ennek ellenére egyre feljebb tudott lépkedni a politikai szamárlétrán. Pedig ráfért volna a tanulás, minthogy a wikipedián is a linkelt oldal végén, az érdekességek között van egy ilyen rész

'According to the IMDb ''His speech is 'working class language' and his turns of phrase reflect the speaker's educational shortcomings.'''

És azért egy dolog a józan paraszti ész, de szerintem ehhez még sokat hozzá lehet tenni tanulással. Amiről a wiki ezt írta:

'As a young child, Hitler was reportedly a good student at the various elementary schools he attended; however, in sixth grade (1900–1), his first year of high school (Realschule) in Linz, he failed completely and had to repeat the grade. His teachers reported that he had ''no desire to work.''

Hitler later explained this as a kind of rebellion against his father Alois, who wanted the boy to follow him in a career as a customs official, although Adolf wanted to become a painter. This is further supported by Hitler's later description of himself as a misunderstood artist. After Hitler's father died on January 3, 1903, at the age of 65, Hitler's schoolwork did not improve. At the age of 16, Hitler left school with no qualifications.'

Mellesleg még adócsaló is volt:

''In 2004, it was discovered that Hitler had spent years evading taxes on income from sales of Mein Kampf. He owed the German government 405,000 Reichmarks (equivalent to $8 million at 2004 exchange rates) by the time he took power and the tax debt was forgiven.''

''Pre-visualization hardware by AMD Opteron processors.''

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