- Luck Dragon: Asszociációs játék. :)
- Meggyi001: Vegán? Nem vegán?
- t72killer: Egy gyors töltőteszt
- Kalandor: Te mennyit költesz havonta kajára?
- hmzs: Futro S720 - olcsó pc alapú router (frissítve)
- Elektromos rásegítésű kerékpárok
- RIOS Gépház: Frissültek a felhasználói adatlapok, beállítások, fórumos aláírások
- sziku69: Fűzzük össze a szavakat :)
- kenand: Szaunakályha- Helo Softhot/Havanna fűtőszálcsere
- sziku69: Szólánc.
Star Trek Online -=MMORPG=-
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Konfigos #12450 üzenetére
Nem hiszem,lesz külön sci hajó pack is.Sajna az is 3x3 lesz.
•Console Set: •2pc: •Not in the Gamefiles yet
•3pc: •When receiving damage while a shield facing is depleted, 10% chance to apply: Deadly Response (Stacks up to 3 times): Self: {Default} and Self: {Magnitude} Temporary Hit Points for {Duration}
•4pc: •Self: Flagship starship console powers. -Adaptive Emergency Systems: Required minimum health is increased from 50% to 75% -Fleet Weapon Acceleration: Increases duration from 15 sec to 20 sec<br>-Violent Dampening Wave: Increases radius from 4km to 5km.
•Starship Traits: •Tactical Dreadnought: •On activation of Torpedoes, gain 1 stack of Super Charged Weapons:
•After 10 stacks, Projectile Weapons gain: "{Default} with Directed Energy Damage" and "{Default} with Directed Energy Damage" and "+{Magnitude}% Directed Energy Damage" for 15 seconds
•Upon expiration, cannot gain stacks again for 30 seconds•Science Dreadnought: •+{Magnitude}% Projectile Weapon Damage {Duration}
•+{Magnitude}% Exotic Damage {Duration}•Engineering Dreadnought: •Self: +3% Maximum Hull Hit Points
•Consoles: •Tactical Dreadnought:
•Passive: •+{Magnitude}% Directed Energy Damage#•Active: •{Magnitude}% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons {Duration}
•+{Magnitude}% Flight Speed strength {Duration}
•+{Magnitude}% Turn Rate strength {Duration}
•Prevents the target from using or being affected by Fleet Weapon Acceleration {Duration}•Engineering Dreadnought:
•Passive: •+{Magnitude}% Maximum Hull Capacity•Active: •{Default}
•(Effect is increased to {Magnitude} if health is equal to or less than 50%) ••Science Dreadnought:
•Passive: •Not in the Gamefiles yet•Active: •Foe: {Default} (3 Times) •
•All Have Innate Powers •Nothing reagarding them in the Gamefiles yet
Meg jön Krenim sci vessel is.De azt már nem akarom bemásolni,mert nagyon hosszú,és szétcseszem vele a fórumot.
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
Város: Budapest