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  • Plata


    A mai peccs:
    Events:15th Anniversary Celebration! Activities within the Anniversary Event will contribute towards your Daily Progress in the Event, eventually earning your way toward the Grand Prize – the Garrett Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser (T6)! Part of the anniversary update will be several brand new activities that will be a part of this event. [NEW] Episode: AxiomTFO: Royal FlushTFO: Battle of Wolf 359TFO: Borg Battle RoyaleThis event will last for 30 days. Captains that earn 40 or more Daily Progress may then claim Event Grand Prize – the Garrett Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser (T6)! For more information, please visit the “Anniversary XV Event!” blog at: https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/news/article/11573832Rewards 15th Anniversary Party Popper:It wouldn’t be the anniversary without a brand new Party Popper to earn.Additional Rewards: After claiming the Grand Prize, you will unlock the option of earning additional Dilithium Ore each day, beginning at 8,000 Dilithium Ore for the first day’s completion.Zen Buyout Option:Within the new Event UI, an option will be presented that allows you to purchase the remaining progress that you need, for a scaling amount of Zen. For more information, please visit the “Anniversary XV Event!” blog at: https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/news/article/11573832 Event Grand Prize – the Garrett Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser (T6)! The Alliance’s growth has brought with it unexpected, yet positive, side effects. With its creation came the question of how to move into action, in a consolidated and powerful way. With a vast array of different ship designs, configurations, communication protocols, exotic technologies and more; the answer might come from the very source of the Alliance’s expansion.
    General:The Stargazer-Class Heavy Cruiser has been remastered! This ship has been redesigned and completely rebuilt in a free update for anyone who owns any Heavy Cruiser variant. To see these updates, ready your Heavy Cruiser, visit the Ship Customization Interface, and choose the “Stargazer” preset.Resolved an issue with the Adapted Scimitar's wings so that they now match when selected in the ship tailor. Resolved an issue causing the Olympic-class and Nobel-class variants to not have the Vesta material and window options available in ship customization.Starship registry numbers and names scale more appropriately to fill up their allocated space. This means that shorter registries and names will scale up to be larger, removing some empty space when using shorter names and numbers. This change was made to white, black, and TOS style registry numbers. Some ship models have been slightly tweaked to accommodate this, but more may need to be adjusted in the future.Black registry numbers with red outlines have also had their scaling adjusted so they scale more appropriately based on their allocated space on the model.
    Known Issues:The Cloaking Device is not yet available for the Garrett Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser (T6). It will be added with a later patch.New content, including the new Episode Axiom, does not currently have German localization yet.Currently the Anniversary event buyout has the wrong ship image on the product page.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22849 üzenetére

    Hát ahhoz nagy mázli kell.
    De régebben volt erről egy reddit bejegyzés.
    Plusz érdemes promo event alatt nyitni azt hiszem.
    Emlékszem akik nagyban nyitották a boxot meg promós vackot,külön nyitási szisztémájuk volt,nem mindegy melyik ESd instában mikor nyitottad.
    Ha valaki nyitott valamit akkor figyelték hogy mennyi idő telt el és egyéb marhaság,már nem nagyon emlékszem rá.

    Ma mentem utoljára eventre.

    Délután már jöhet az évfordulós,meg a bigyó kergetés. ;]

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22848 üzenetére

    Eebből se sikerült semmi jót nyitni de legalább megpróbáltam

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22847 üzenetére

    Ground patrol nem is tudom melyik. :D
    Hát jó lenne ha az admiralty is olyan lenne mint a doff küldizés.
    Sok időt megspórolna.
    De nagy dolgokat igérnek az új arcok,talán ezt is fejlesztik.

    Egyébként ma három promós láda a jutalom.
    Today's free gift: Here's your chance to get a T6 Promo Ship with three free Infinity Promotion R&D Pack! Claim them in the C-Store. Valid until February 11th at 12pm PT.

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22846 üzenetére

    Mert nem mindegy melyik patrolon csinálja ez ember a hajó fejlesztést úgymond. Én 2-3 mapot szoktam menni és nem mindegy ki mennyit hajót pusztít el. Pl egy maxos cuccal de új hajóval bemegyek az 4 szint van hogy event alatt 1 map alatt is meglehet. feltéve ha olyan mapot választol ahol csak jön az enemy egy helyről és easy leszedni őket. Én így tapasztaltam. Engem az dühít inkább hogy csak 1 földi patrol van. Nem ártana több fajta mert lusta vagyok olyan földi küldiket csinálni amihet el kell utazni messzie főleg ha nincs oda warp hely a közelbe. Én így tök casual szinten csapatom csak fura nekem egy két dolog. Pl van ugye a Doff küldi ahova beteszi a Doffot alapba .... Admirality miért nem tud ilyent ? Nem is étem..... Túl macerás egy egy hajót összerakni nekem mert nem sok mindenem van. Mindíg valamire spórolgatás megy. Amit bedobtam képet is azokat a Phaser weaponokat elég sok idő volt összeszednem de még a búnuszokat rollolnom kell rajta. Pedig szerintem elég erősek lesznek. Igyekszek Spórolgatni de mindíg kell valami ami picit javít rajtam :D

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22844 üzenetére

    Nézd a legtöbb elite TFO nem nagy szám,Elite Infected 90%-ban abból áll hogy mire kettőt pislantasz már vége is. :D
    Nagy ritka az amikor infecteden tényleg kifogsz pár süketet,na az cumi.
    Nézd én egy bugos hajóval járok TFO-ra,ami kb 80%-ban szarik magasról arra hogy lövik.
    Így eleve könnyebb a buli.
    Szóval a legtöbb űr TFO elite szinten nem nagy szám és lehet rá menni tök őrült karakterekkel is.
    Amit kerülni kell gyenge karival az a Battle of Korfez.
    Ott aztán tényleg nincs bocsánat és úgy szét kapnak mint foxi a lábtörlőt.
    Viszont Battle of Korfez randommal azért poén mert vicces látni hogy a csapattársak nagy batár hajókkal hullanak mint a legyek,miközben a semmi kis ragadozó madaram aminek még pajzsa sincs kiröhögi az ellenséget. :DDD
    De gravity kill-t sem ajánlanám eliten,mondjuk az normálon is b+ kategória,egy rossz mozdulat és beszippant a gravitáció. :D
    Ami szívás ha valaki folyton piruettezik mint egy őrült. ;]
    Én úgy gondolom a legtöbb normális nem elmebaj TFO-n egy 50-60 ezres dps tökre elég elite szintre.
    Ami úgyvélem a legfontosabb az hogy gyűjtsd az endeavor perkeket.
    Minél több van annál jobb.
    Tudom hogy iszonyú sok idő megszerezni,de megéri.
    Én azért tudok sikeresen random elite TFO-ra járni mert van 750 endeavor pontyom,ami vagy 2000 napi farm. Plusz legendary hajók és traitek na és konzolok meg fegyverek.
    Ha megvan a 750 endeavor perk akkor nem is kell sokat dolgoznod ahhoz hogy legyen sok sebzésed.
    Mikor legutóbb kellett pár trait,poénból tök hülye felszereléssel szereltem fel a kiszemelt hajót,nem volt kedvem át rakni a felszerelést rendes hajóról.
    Még úgy is baromi jól ment.
    Hozzá tenném hogy valamiért nekem még a trait húzás sem százas. :B
    Amíg más kap egy szintet trait húzásnál patrolon addig én négyet is.
    Hogy miért van fogalmam sincs,de szoktam húzni flotta társaknak traitet.
    Ha szólnak elmegyek velük patrolra és ők sem értik meg énsem,de ez van. :D

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    A message from DECA GamesIncoming transmission from DECA Games and their Community Manager for Star Trek Online!
    By Fero February 10, 2025, 06:00 AM
    Greetings, Captains!
    It took a while for our signal to reach you, but we are finally able to introduce ourselves! We here at DECA know the importance of Star Trek Online as a game and legacy and are both humbled and committed to continuing this amazing journey with you.
    Since DECA became a primary partner in the development of Star Trek Online, we have been working very closely with Cryptic’s outstanding team to help oversee a smooth transition, a process we are in the midst of finalizing. We are grateful for the knowledge and support Cryptic have given us, and more importantly, the weight of responsibility passed over to ensure we are delivering updates at the standard players expect and deserve.
    Many of you might be wondering who we are. At DECA Games, we focus on investing in and rejuvenating games that are in a mature stage of their lifecycle. DECA derives from decade, meaning that we aim not only to extend but also continue the lifecycle of games with dedicated playerbases.
    We have rapidly expanded our ranks for Star Trek Online, hiring new crew members to drive new content for the game! Many of them are long-time Star Trek fans, some of them have worked with the Star Trek IP before, and all of them are thrilled to inject their passion and knowledge of this fascinating universe into upcoming updates!
    We are aware that over the last few months, there have been a lot of questions about the future of Star Trek Online and our plans. We are planning an Introduction Stream as well as a Q&A session in the near future. Additionally, you’ll see us pop-up once in a while on social media and forums to answer more questions in the coming months!
    We’ve also seen much discussion around what changes players might expect for STO under new development. We respect and will always consider the plans and update cadences already developed by Cryptic when planning for the future. Our team remains committed to delivering new Episodes, TFOs, Patrols, Ships, Rewards, and much more. It’s also important to us that we do not compromise the quality of our releases. We’re very excited for you to play through our first Episode on the 11th of February, and have already begun preparations for the next Episode in this Story Arc. Meanwhile, we have more Lore Blogs waiting for you to give you deeper insights into our story content.
    So - tricorders on! Keep scanning our next posts for more information!
    DECA Team, out.
    Greetings, Captains!
    I am Counselor Sunna, your Community Manager for Star Trek Online! I’m incredibly excited to join this wonderful community! As someone who grew up on the classic Star Trek shows, and has studied Science Fiction Media for a long time, it feels like things have come full circle. You will hear more from me soon - I plan to re-watch a lot of trek content, sift through literature, and share my totally normal obsession with Tribbles with all of you! (There’s truly no escape - not from me or the Tribbles)
    But first, I’d like to use this moment to express my gratitude to the former Community Management team and the rest of the Cryptic team for their passionate support and efforts during the transition, which helped us get to this point!
    With my personal holoprojectors activated, I’ve been reading your comments over the last few months. I am looking forward to getting to know all of your thoughts on a more personal level! Like a Kromsapiod, I treasure a good hunt, although mine is usually for feedback and suggestions only...
    Meanwhile, our teams have been working hard on new content, and I am excited to present it to you and play through some of it together. To help you get to know me and the rest of the team better, and show you more of our plans for the next year, we have prepared an Introduction Stream! We will be announcing the date here and on all our social media very soon.
    Going forward, my focus will be on making sure that all of you feel heard, and ensuring bug reports and similar complaints reach the developers at warp speed! There is, of course, also more coming your way - from social media events to streams, to lore blogs, and other content!
    Thank you for your time, and see you soon!
    Counselor Sunna, out.

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22843 üzenetére

    van egy karim amin csak hologrammot igyekszek használni én is. De a fő karimon csak 2 tacticalom van ami romulan tiszt vagyis a krites cucc miatt szereztem valahonnan. Viszont azt meg lehetne fejleszteni asszem K-13-on vagy hol de ugye a flottás cuccokkal mindíg meg vagyok lőve hogy nem tudom kiszeni pedig sokszor az a kis plusz is jó lenne valamire amit onnan ki lehet szedni. Az az egy biztos hogy ha sikerül az éveset megcsináljam idén kellene egy hajó ami a tour the galaxy-ra jó lenne mint a protostaros. Csak fene tudja pontosan mik kellenek rá. Legalábbis nem lenne rossz az az EC mennyiség naponta nekem :D valami fix bevétel lenne legalább mert így csak néha kapok pár ezret és megőrülök mennyi egy egy hajó így. Pedig nem is akarok sokat venni csak amit én szeretnék használni is. Talán 2-3 hajó lenne. Ezért lenne jó egy Discord ahol meg tudnám mutatni egyáltalán mim is van és mit lehente ténylegesen összehozni hogy be is merjek menni Elit TFO-ra űrben.

  • Plata


    Watcher boff a másik,mindig elfelejtem a nevüket. :DDD
    Űrben watcher és vanguard,groundon meg cuki orionok.
    Ezzel a karival például egy orion hologram és három orion.
    Hologram előnye hogy nem kell neki Ev suit.
    De szerintem romulánt is jó upgradelni,ha nincs jobb.
    Flottás romulánt a fleet embassy-n tudsz beszerezni,azt hiszem ugyanilyen traitje van.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22841 üzenetére

    Csak át futottam a buildet,de nem tudom miért kell terran beam.
    Szerintem várd meg a holnapi giveaway-t.
    Hátha olyasmit ad ami megoldja a boff gondod.
    Viszont ez egy Miracle Worker hajó,vagyis erősebb több szempontból is.
    Ott vannak a Miracle Worker képességek.
    Attól a hajód erősebb lesz,vagy ha az a napi endeavor hogy csinálj x shield heal-t akkor agyfaszt kapsz,mert az MW hajó gyógyítja magát és nem számít bele. :DDD
    Plusz több kozolja van mint a többi hajónak.
    Minden MW hajó +1 konzolt kap.
    Én a helyedben olyan boffra raknám a tokent ami jó,például romulán boff.
    Flottás roma boff is jó.
    Egyébként,nem kell azt vinned groundra aki űrben is aktív.
    Nekem például vanguard,legendary,vagy delta esetleg fura macskává változó boffok vannak.
    Vanguard és a macska aminek nem jut eszembe a neve az egyik legjobb,de deltás roma és legendary booster boffok is jók.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22840 üzenetére

    Elkezdtem csinálni a hajókát :D Viszint nem értem miért nem képesek 3 tokent adni mikor annyi kell egy hajóhoz :( Legalábbis volt pár ilyen Phaser fegyóm és remélem jó lesz neki :D Viszont nem tudom van e értelme az egyiket előről leveni és a Quad-ot feltenni neki.
    A mai jutalmat meg nem is tudom milyen tisztre lenne célszerűbb használom. Nekem csak olyanok vannak akiket kaptam valahonnan :D Semmi OP tisztem nincs szerintem. Csak most farmolhatok sok sok markot mert 2 Discovery cucc kellene neki ( ott nézek egy buildet amit javasoltál csak nem értem miért kell neki beam is [link] ) Sok minden úgyse lesz meg ami más hajóból kellene neki. Visziont valahol azt is olvastam a Miracle hajókat lehetne használni Tour the Galaxy napi küldire is. Arra is gondoltam vele meg kéne csinálom egy olyan buildet minden karimra.

  • Plata


    válasz Morphus101 #22838 üzenetére

    Megnéztem,sajnos ha nem voltál fent akkor vége,minden ajándék 5 órától másnap 5 óráig él.
    Ha nem veszed ki akkor másnap eltűnik.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22835 üzenetére

    Jól emlékeztem,ennek van a Phaser Hexa Cannon.
    Ezekről a hajókról volt vidió is.

    Ma is ajándék 2 boff upgrade token.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22835 üzenetére

    Ez nagyon jó kis hajó.
    Konzolja traitje is jó,meg úgyrémlik a fegyvere is.
    Bááár,lehet hogy ebben tévedek és nincs neki.
    De mindjárt megyek fel és megnézöm.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    Hát én nem értem miért jár klingon karakterrel kevesebb dili jutalom.
    Úgy érzem a klingonokat hátrányosan megkülönböztetik. :D

    Van admiralty és flotta bónusza,kevesebb mint a fed karinak admiralty bónusszal,flotta bónusz nélkül.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    Ma is jött egy 500-as ec csomag.

    Viszont még mindig kapok perk pontot annak ellenére hogy maxos.
    Lehet hogy újra lesz endeavor szint emelés?

    Ha jól sejtem már talán +50-100 perk pontom van talonban.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22829 üzenetére

    A mai ajándék T6 kuponnal vehetsz ki bármilyen cruisert,persze kivéve azt ami csak bundle-hez jár vagy legendary.
    Terran lexington például nagyon jó,én szeretem.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22829 üzenetére

    Hát szerintem azt amelyik neked be jön.
    Nem nagyon játszottam a breen hajókkal.
    Nekem túl lomhák voltak,plusz sosem voltam oda a breen fajért.
    Bár a breen ground szett poén.
    De a hajóikat nagyon keveset használtam,
    Általában nagyon keveset használtam az eventes hajókat,a traitjeiket konzoljukat igen,de magát a hajót ritkán és keveset.
    Kivéve azt a vicces nyári eventes hajót aminek hangárjai vannak.
    Vorgon rinya carrier.
    A rendes neve nem jut eszembe,de valami ilyesmi. :DDD
    Aknázós hangárjai vannak,így az őrült ferengi aknabolond karimnak pont jó.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22828 üzenetére

    Nekem egy olyan kérdésem lenne hogy a régi eventes breen hajók közül melyiket lenne célszerűbb Engi karival használni? Mert úgy kéne fejlesszem az új breen fegyereket is. Legalábbis Beam array meg Beam bankom is van

  • Plata


    Mivel most ráérek így felmentem egy délelőtti amdiraltyzásra.
    Sajnos a szerver rohadt instabil.
    Még VPN-el is.
    De azért így van mázlim pár karakterrel.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22824 üzenetére

    Nézd én most ennyit kaptam az xp miatt.
    Nem volt kész tour küldetésem.
    Elmondom én hogy csinálom,csak a tour küldetésekre megyek rá.
    Sima küldetések nem érdekelnek,azt nézem a három lehetséges küldetés közül melyik a legrövidebb,abba bele teszek egy tök random kártyát,nem érdekel ha a fele pontot sem éri el,elindítom,majd ezt addig csinálom amíg nem lesz tour küldi.

    Azt úgy csinálom hogy tuti legyen.
    Ha tudom akkor mind a négy tour küldit elindítom,az már szép kis jutalom.
    De persze ha nincs időm akkor csak azt amit egyszerre sikerül.
    Mivel 30+ karival tolom,így általában csak 1-2 tour sikerül velük,de mikor feljövök korán reggel eventet le tolni még pár karival újra próbálom és összejöhet a 3-4 is.
    Sőt ha valami közbejön,mert mondjuk beteg vagyok,akkor az összes karival megvan a napi két admiraltyzás.

    Doffozással nem szoktam foglalkozni,csak recruit karinál ha kell.
    Meg néha ha nagyon ráérek,ennyi karakterrel az már lehetetlen.
    Pont elég az admiralty is velük.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    Viszont elkövettem egy hibát,a flottás dili bónusz pont lejárt,elfelejtettem újat elindítani,csak event után jutott eszembe. :D
    Flottás bónusz lemaradt.
    Mert mindig olyan feledékeny vagyok. :B

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22824 üzenetére

    Na az nem is rossz.
    Ha mázlid van sokkal több jön.
    Az is számít hogy a karaktered hanyas szintű.
    Ha megvan a karakterednek a 65 szint + 195 specialista szint akkor utána ha xp-t szerzel azért is kapsz dilit.
    Vagyis ha admiraltyzol és emiatt szintet lépsz kapsz kompenzációt. Talán 3600 dilit.
    Amit bónuszokkal lehet növelni,szerintem.
    Én ma reggel admiralty bónusszal ennyit kaptam a napi eventért.

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22809 üzenetére

    Ez csak az amit egy karim kap Admirality-ből ha jól sikerül:

    Ez pedig a Doff külis:

  • Plata


    válasz Nagus #22821 üzenetére

    Alapból nem doff pack,hanem delta mittomén mi csomag.
    Ha kinyitod kapsz 30 lobit meg 3 doff packot.

  • Nagus

    senior tag

    Melyik fülön lehet megtalálni az ajcsi delta doff packot? Én sehol nem látom.

  • Plata


    Hát ma nem jött olyan jól ec endeavoron.
    Univerzálist és a napiakat is letoltam.

  • Plata


    Ma 3 delta doff pack az ajándék.

    Jövőhéten pedig kezdődik az event.

    Anniversary XV EventParticipate in our anniversary event on PC and earn the new Garrett Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser!
    By Fero February 07, 2025, 08:00 AM
    As Star Trek Online approaches its 15th anniversary, boldly expanding the Star Trek universe, we are thrilled to once again roll out the party patrol for our Anniversary Celebration, starting on February 11th, 2025 and continuing until March 14th, 2025 on PC, and on March 11th, 2025 and continuing until April 10th, 2025 on Xbox and PlayStation!
    Keep reading to learn what activities and prizes await those who join us to celebrate “Anniversary XV.”

    The Alliance’s growth has brought with it unexpected, yet positive, side effects. With its creation came the question of how to move into action, in a consolidated and powerful way. With a vast array of different ship designs, configurations, communication protocols, exotic technologies and more; the answer might come from the very source of the Alliance’s expansion.
    The advancements in experimental technology born from the brightest minds and the varied experience of veteran crews from all over the galaxy led to the creation of the Garrett Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser. Not only a main force on the frontline and mobile HQ, it is able to command, enhance, and direct the combat effectiveness of any nearby forces. Complete details on this cross-faction vessel will be released in the near future, so watch all hailing frequencies!
    Earning this ship for every character on your account is as simple as participating in any of the Anniversary Event’s eligible activities over the course of its run. Within the 30 days that the Event will be active, players that earn 40 or more Daily Progress may then claim this fine vessel and sail it towards the distant stars!
    Remember that earning additional Daily Progress also grants you scaling Dilithium Ore bonus rewards, after you have claimed the Grand Prize!
    Players unable to find the time to finish the Event, or interested in rushing to complete their progress, will have the opportunity to purchase the remainder of their Daily Progress using Zen at any time. The base price for this buyout will be and gets discounted based on the amount of Daily Progress you have already accrued.
    Ship Details:
    Faction: AnyTier: 6Required Rank: Complete the TutorialHull Strength: 1.45Shield Modifier: 1.25Fore Weapons: 5Aft Weapons: 3Device Slots: 4Bridge Officer Stations:Commander Engineering / CommandLt Commander Universal / Temporal OpsLt Commander TacticalEnsign UniversalLt ScienceConsole Modifications: 4 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 3 Science (scales with level)Base Turn Rate: 7Impulse Modifier: 0.15Inertia: 40+5 Shield Power, +10 Engine Power, +5 Auxiliary PowerConsole - Universal - Coordinated Engagement Solution1 Hangar Bay equipped with Alliance Fighter SquadronCan Equip Dual CannonsInspiration AbilitiesCruiser Communications ArrayCommand - Attract FireCommand - Weapon System EfficiencyStarship Ability Package (Dreadnought Cruiser)Rapid Repairs (+Hull Regen)Enhanced Plating (+Damage Resistance - Energy and Radiation)Devastating Weaponry (+Crit Chance)Armored Hull (+Max Hull HP)Together We Stand (Starship Trait)

    Admiralty Ship Stats:
    Eng: 57Sci: 29Tac: 40Special: 1.25x Critical Rating from All Stats
    Console - Universal - Coordinated Engagement Solution
    Just as the Alliance is made greater by every one of its members, this ship is made greater by our collaboration. It is a testament to our promise: Together We Stand.
    When activated this console will give yourself and up to 10 allies, allied pets or pets that you own in a 5km radius a 10% increase to All Damage from weapons and +10 to all resistances. This benefit increases by +10% damage (Max 50% total) and +10 Res (Max +50 total) per ally within the 5km radius.
    This console also provides a passive bonus to Pet's Weapon Firing Cycle.
    Starship Trait - Together We Stand
    Once every 60 seconds, when you activate a Captain Ability or a Specialization Bridge Officer Ability you and up to 10 allies within 5km get a +5% Max Hull Capacity and +5% Max Shield Capacity plus an extra +5% Max Hull Capacity and +5% Max Shield Capacity per ally within range (Max 35%) for 30 seconds
    Hangar Pets - Alliance Fighter Squadron
    Launches three Alliance Fighter Squadrons. Alliance Fighter Squadrons have Antiproton Beam Arrays and Pulse Cannons, and can use Focused Assault. These squadrons will scale their effectiveness based on their current health level.
    Each hangar supports two wings of three fighters each. Auxiliary power level will determine the recharge rate, and if Auxiliary systems are knocked offline the hanger will not operate. All Carrier Pets are immune to warp core breaches and have "Layered Defenses III", which makes them immune to a single torpedo hit every 30 seconds.
    Alongside the other returning activities, we are excited to continue the Aetherian storyline in our newest episode! Full details of the episode will be announced in detail at a later point in time.
    Players will be invited to play this Episode to achieve their Daily Progress. Each part also offers rewards of its own, as well as a number of other surprises!
    Team up with the Undine and their Planet Killers to close dimensional vortices that have been opened by multiversal Borg inside Fluidic Space.

    Q is up to his annual shenanigans. He will once again be rewarding captains for stabilizing Omega Particles found in various social zones in Star Trek Online. Talk to Q to get the mission “Omega Stabilization (Daily)” and you will be given multiple zones to visit where you must stabilize an Omega Particle by playing a minigame. The chosen zones will change periodically, inviting players to explore the vast expanses of space in order to complete this challenge.
    The minigame itself is simple - Omega molecules will fall in from the left in one of four channels. Captains will move the capture device into the correct channel as the molecule hits the right-hand line. The more molecules you capture, the more Omega molecules you’ll safely dissipate, and the more points you will score.
    Q doesn’t care how many points you score, just that you complete the minigame in order to receive credit for his Daily Mission. Doing so will grant you Daily Progress if you have not already earned it for the day, as well as the other standard rewards associated with this Daily Mission.
    The score received from the minigame does influence your rewards, however! The more points you score, the better chance you have at scoring better quality Omega particle remnants which can be used with the R&D system to craft special Omega Particle Tech Upgrades.
    Omega Traces come in the three different colors of the Omega nodes themselves. Using the R&D system you can combine 1 of each Trace into an Omega Sliver. You can then combine three Omega Slivers into an Omega Shard, and three Omega Shards into an Omega Fragment. Three Omega Fragments can then be combined into an Omega Tech Upgrade which costs no dilithium to apply, and supplies a massive dose of Technology and Research Points to whatever item it is applied to.
    Furthermore, two additional crafting options are available: Two Omega Fragments can be combined with varying amounts of Refined Dilithium to produce [Mark] and [Rarity] variations of the Omega Upgrade. These new variants focus entirely on improving item Mark or Rarity, respectively, making them ideal for players seeking specific avenues of upgrading their equipment.
    Completing the minigame will always score you a single Omega Trace at the very least. The better you score, the greater your chance to win Omega Slivers, Shards, or even Fragments. Beginning with this year’s update, all Omega materials will be changed to Bind-to-Account-on-Pickup, rather than being tradeable with other players. However, refinement techniques have improved since the previous event, so rewards from the minigame will be a bit better, especially for those who score fewer points.
    It wouldn’t be the anniversary without a brand-new Party Popper to earn.
    The “Anniversary XV” version of our annual toy-device adds festive cheer to your vicinity by means of visuals themed after the Aetherian Concordium.
    We’ll see you at the party!

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    Mai három endeavor láda is jól adott pénzt.
    Utolsót mikor megcsináltam akkor nyitottam mindegyiket.
    30 tholian hajó,10 voth hajó,10 gorn nimbuson.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    Ma pedig hajó upgrade token az ajándék.

    Ugyanakkor legendary sale is van.
    Save 35% on Legendary ItemsOn PC, save 35% on all of the Legendary Bundles we've released so far, including the returning 10 Ship Bundle!
    By Fero February 06, 2025, 08:00 AM
    Captains - the ships of Star Trek are a character unto themselves, and we find ourselves attached to ships that have become Legendary. Now, you can own those Legendary ships for a lot cheaper. From February 6th at 8am PT to February 11th at 12pm PT on PC, you can save 35% on all of the Legendary Bundles we've ever released, including the 10 Ship Legendary Bundle! That's right, the anniversary bundle is back for a limited time, Captains.
    Get your hands on ships that come with every look, trait and console that had ever been released for them, up to the point of their initial sale. And take a Captain up to Level 65 instantly!

    Most már biztos hogy jön valami tuti évfordulós bundle. :R
    Remélemez is legendary lesz és lesz klingon hajó is benne.

  • Plata


    A mai ajándék pedig egy elite kapitány token. ;)
    Aki fed karira meri elnyomni azt harapja meg a kannibál tribbli. ;]

  • Plata


    Az évfordulós hírben lévő képen Hugh van,aki borg félig.
    Pár napja volt olyan pletyka cseten hogy a tizenötödik évfrodulós csomagban talán cooperative hajók is lesznek.
    Az hogy most a hírben is egy Cooperative NPc van lehet hogy talán burkolt utalás lehet rá?

  • Plata


    Jött még egy bejegyzés.
    Valószínűleg az új szezonra akarnak vele utalni.
    Kíváncsi leszek az új küldetésekre,na és az eventre is.

    Kings & Queens – The AnomalyAdmiral Kuumaarke is aboard the L.S.S. Jaleet on a Restoration Initiative in the Balancar Sector when a strange anomaly requires investigation.

    By Fero February 04, 2025, 09:46 AM
    “Did you manage to read my work on 4th Reckoning Restoration Initiatives? No?” Admiral Kuumaarke barely managed to suppress her frustration. She looked at the inexperienced science administrator who stood before her up and down.
    “What about my thesis, then, on Protomatter Microcontainers as Critical to the Rejuvenation of Deserted Class M Planets? Or the Povin case study, co-published with the Klingons?” The administrator pursed his lips, lowered his eyes, and shook his head, his face flushing.
    “The Concordium did not supply us with any mission critical study materials, Admiral. We were told... that you would be able to tell us what to do,” he mumbled.
    Kuumaarke glanced over the young man’s shoulder, at a group of bright-eyed students piled up behind their representative, like a fluff of nervous tribbles.
    Kuumaarke unclenched her jaw and softened her gaze. “Of course, it’s not your fault, or anyone’s fault here. You’re just following your directive.” She peered at them, one by one, taking in their anxious dispositions - they were awaiting her orders. “Good work crew, we reconvene tomorrow. Dismissed!” The tension in the environmental engineering lab evaporated. The students collectively relaxed their shoulders as they made for the door, sighs of relief permeating the room.
    . . .
    2 hours later...
    The L.S.S. Jaleet’s ready room had taken some getting used to. Although it was fitted out with the usual hydroponics pillars and flowing banners, it offered none of the warmth of Kuumaarke’s usual admiral’s quarters aboard the Reskava. Or perhaps, this was just her impression.
    Kuumaarke slumped into an uncomfortably padded chair, and recited, as she so often did: “Computer, begin personal log... Admiral’s Personal Log, 5th Reckoning, Chronicle 45: Today marks my second circadian cycle aboard the L.S.S. Jaleet as Chief Planetary Restoration Advisor. Despite my best efforts to avoid such a scenario, the Concordium decided to assign me to yet another Restoration Initiative in the Balancar Sector - far beneath my station. I don’t mean to sound... ungrateful, of course. But as a lauded scientist who has now developed professional connections across multiple quadrants, I somehow expected I would be given... greater scientific conundrums to solve.” She buried her face in her hands and groaned. “I am in touch with Ensign Vaaruunte to receive regular reports whilst I am away. She-”
    A violent jolt interrupted her log, as the lights of the L.S.S. Jaleet flickered, plunging the room into total darkness for but a nanosecond. Kuumaarke stood up and braced herself. Shouting and shuffling of feet could be heard from just outside her door. Then, quiet.
    A soft, melodic chime emitted by the ready room’s control panel signaled a presence at the door. The indicator light shifted from gray to purple. “Computer, grant access,” she commanded. A slender, imposing figure stepped into her quarters hurriedly. “Commander Breevoore, is everything alright?” she probed, locking eyes with the L.S.S. Jaleet’s most senior security officer.
    “Admiral, we believe the Jaleet has been compromised. Your expertise is requested by the Captain on Deck 9.”
    . . .
    Moments later...
    “Our Chief Engineer has located an anomaly aboard the ship. Something behind this bulkhead’s wall panel is preventing the Jaleet from safely maintaining a warp field,” observed Commander Breevoore. “What’s more, Admiral - Captain Anvaame of the L.S.S. Treluun reported a similar incident just a couple cycles ago. A full diagnostic was run, but no internal damage to the Treluun was reported. Everything is back to normal now, on the Treluun and on the Jaleet. The disruption only lasted a second.”
    Kuumaarke crouched down, flashlights panning across the bulkhead as senior crew members gathered round. Commander Breevoore pushed aside its panel to reveal the wall’s internal conduits. “This stuff, whatever it is, it’s scrawled all around the protomatter conditioning modules.”
    “Well, I’m certainly no engineer, but I’ll take a look.” Kuumaarke pulled out her tricorder. “Optimizing for environmental scans... Cross-referencing data with prior scans, and prioritizing 5th Reckoning entries...” she ran her fingers across the bulkhead’s conduits.
    After a couple of minutes, the tricorder lit up, displaying a holographic script. “The analysis is complete. It appears to be a language, Commander. However, it’s not one the Lukari Concordium has come across before. I’d suggest having a xenolinguist take a look at this. Until then, the Captain might want to perform a full system diagnostic, as the Treluun did, just to be on the safe side.”
    “How can a language cause our warp field to malfunction?” questioned Breevoore.
    “I’m not sure yet. But I suppose that if everything is back to normal now, that’s a good sign. This protomatter module needs replacing, in any case. Give the Captain a full report, and let me know as soon as you have any updates,” Kuumaarke replied, nodding swiftly at Breevoore, before turning around to leave. As she began to move down the hallway, a conversation between two senior crew members caught her attention. She turned around to see them kneeling in front of the anomaly with a bewildered look in their eyes.
    “Did you know those things were called protomatter conditioning modules?”, inquired a science officer.
    “We always called them science balls,” a tactical officer shrugged in response.
    Kuumaarke released the profound sigh she had been suppressing all day, turned back around, and retreated once again to her ready room in order to finish her admiral’s log. She slumped down once more, into the uncomfortable chair, and continued: “Computer, resume Admiral’s Personal Log, 5th Reckoning, Chronicle 45.” She paused, gathering her thoughts.
    “I have received word from Ensign Vaaruunte that the Lukari Concordium is expanding its list of diplomatic allies in an effort to understand more about recent Borg incursions across the galaxy. A series of conferences are being hosted on the homeworld, with many important faction leaders in attendance, including great allies of mine. She has informed us that the Concordium is searching for qualified individuals to act as ambassadors. Although I am a scientist first and foremost, I have decided to send in my application. I believe that my recent dealings with the Borg make me an ideal candidate! And, well, I do hope such a role would get me off this Concordium-mandated project aboard the Jaleet, once and for all...” Kuumaarke paused again.
    “Lastly, I have been informed that a data device containing a set of classified documents has been transported to the Reskava from one of these conferences. Though it is customary to leave such items in a secure storage compartment on the homeworld for prior inspection, Vaaruunte was ordered to bring back anything related to the Borg immediately. There’s no time to waste."
    . . .
    7 cycles later...
    As Admiral Kuumaarke prepares herself for another tedious lecture on planetary restoration in the environmental engineering lab aboard the L.S.S. Jaleet, she receives an unexpected hail from a Member of the Lukari Planetary Council.
    “Admiral, I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Council. I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for a trial mission, to test your suitability for the role of Concordium Diplomatic Ambassador.”
    “You don’t mean it! I am honored, humbled, but most of all, absolutely ready!” Kuumaarke blurted out. “What’s next, Councillor?”
    “Prepare to depart the L.S.S. Jaleet immediately for transfer back to the Reskava. We’re sending you on a highly classified mission, with a very important individual we’d rather not keep waiting.”
    “Understood. Who is it?”, Kuumaarke asked.
    “We are sending you the details now, any moment now” replied the Councillor. Kuumaarke’s display screen lit up. Her eyes widened as a smile crept across her face.
    “My word. Is that...”

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    Itt az tizenötödik évfordulós event,addig meg kapunk ajándékokat minden nap. :R
    Anniversary GiftsCounting down the days to our 15th Anniversary Update, claim a free gift each day on PC!
    By Fero February 04, 2025, 08:00 AM
    Happy Anniversary, Captains!
    15 years ago, Star Trek Online began its voyage, boldly going where no game had gone before. You’ve explored many new worlds and seen things that no one has seen before. Beyond that, you’ve brought peace and prosperity or glory and honor to many places in the galaxy by risking your own starships and safety to fight in tremendous battles. The stories of those battles will be told for years to come, immortalized in Klingon epics, shared by all those grateful survivors - free and happy thanks to you and your tireless efforts! This galaxy would not be the same without all of you Captains and your loyal crews.
    As we honor our past, we also look towards the future, with a brand-new season on the horizon, launching February 11th on PC, and even more battles waiting to be won and turned into new legends. We can't wait to show you what we have in store. The countdown has begun, and we want to use this time to celebrate with you and show our appreciation for those who protect and uphold the galaxy of Star Trek Online.
    Starting today, February 4th at 8 am PT on PC, a surprise gift will be waiting for you in-game each day until our Anniversary Update launches.
    All of these gifts will be accessible for one day only in the Promotion Tab in the in-game C-store and they can be claimed once per account.
    What are we giving away? Check back here each day for details on the day’s gift and how you can claim it or keep an eye on our social channels!

    Get the most out of your gear with today's gift: A free Ultimate Tech Upgrade! Claim it in the C-Store. Valid until February 5th at 12 pm PT.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

  • Plata


    Mai javítás:
    General:Resolved an issue that caused captains that were at the max Duty Officer limit to have issues with loading saved loadouts.Changed the binding rules on "Promellian Drones" and "Micro-Singularity Generator" Kit Modules from Bind-on-Pickup, to Bind-to-Account-on-Equip.Bunker Buster experimental weapon:Resolved an issue that was preventing this weapon's damage from properly scaling with level / mark.Resolved an issue that was preventing its Polaron Damage from properly applying to the primary target it impacts.As a result of these bug fixes, we had to re-tune damage values as a result, to approximate the original intended performance of this item.

  • Plata


    Nézd ma reggel csináltam univerzális endeavort és egész jó ec-t kaptam.
    Persze több is lehetne.ha mázlid van mindegyik lila és 500 ezret ad.

    Le toltam eventet is,ami mostmár egész szépen ad dilit.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22808 üzenetére

    Nem kell hogy a hajó pont olyan legyen,ha cruiserre kellene build akkor nézz ki egy olyan cruiser buildet ami tetszik.
    És igazítsd a hajódhoz.
    Én most kivárok az eventig,izgalmas pletykákat láttam,cooperative legendary és prodigy legendary hajókról.
    Bár félek klingon megint nem jön. :O
    Pedig klingon hajót szeretnék,legendary gurambát,plusz valami jó lego raptort,na és igen egy lego carrier is nagyon jóljönne.
    Nem érdekelne mennyiért adják,csak adják már a szentségit.
    Már 11 éve várok a T6 klingon carrierre hogy száradjon le a köcsög devek némi szerve.

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22807 üzenetére

    Ismerem de néztem már hogy nincs olyan hajóm miat mutatnak vagy amire van alter verzió nekik. szóval sokra nem megyek vele annyira.

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22805 üzenetére

    nyugi én egy sima dmg-es tacticalt vagy valami scince-t se tudok jól összerakni :D azt használom ami éppen van de azok meg nem olyan erős dolgo vagy meta szerűek .

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22804 üzenetére

    Őszinte leszek,abszolút halvány lila gőzöm sincs hogy kell fejleszteni egy ilyen fagyasztós hajót.

  • Efanatica


    válasz Plata #22803 üzenetére

    nekem a kis Breen féle karim az most ilyen. Nem tudom pontosan a cold boff skillekkel hogyan rakjam össze. Közen az új beam fegvyereket sikerült rá tennem de úgyis át kell rollolni meg fel kell fejleszteni majd.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22800 üzenetére

    Még annyit hozzá tennék hogy ilyenkor mikor új box van és ezerrel nyitják érdemes figyelni exen az árakat,sokan elcseszik és rossz áron raknak be cuccokat.
    Simán elnézik három nullával is.
    Csak tudni kell mi esik a boxból és azokra keresni rá.
    Van akinek persze van erre külön bot programja,áll az exen a karaktere és pörgeti exen a kiszemelt cuccokat,ha talál olyat ami a megadott ár alatt van megveszi.
    Néha tényleg nagyon figyelmetlenek és hülyék a játékosok.
    Berakják a dolgokat töredékért.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22800 üzenetére

    Exen körülbelül 3.5-4 misiért lehet venni ilyen fegyver dobozt,abból jön random fegyver.
    Ha mázlid van egy omni jön belőle.
    De tényleg mázli kell hozzá.

  • Plata


    válasz Efanatica #22800 üzenetére

    Persze hogy lehet.
    Csak ritka.
    Azért ilyen drága mert upgradelte és úgy akarja eladni.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák