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Aktív témák
VC1 Traffic
Isochronous Flow Control Mode
UnitID Clumping 2/3 & B/C
HT Link Tristate (disable should increase performance)VC1:
This BIOS feature allows you to manually map a specific traffic class to the second (VC1) virtual channel of the PCI Express graphics port. This is the higher-priority virtual channel, so mapping a specific traffic class to it will increase bandwidth allocation priority for that traffic class. However, this is not a requirement
Isochronous Flow-Control Mode:
This has to do with how information is passed between the CPU, the GPU and the RAM along the NorthBridge. It has been a part of the BIOS for HT since AGP 8X, but the option to enable or disable it is a fairly recent addition. When this option is enabled, it assigns the information a number, in the order it was received. Each bit of information is then processed in that order along the route. In toher words, there is no loss of information, but the processing in this orderly manner has drawbacks. If you choose to enable this feature, you will also need to enable UnitID Clumping and then under PCI-E COnfiguraiton and the NB-SB section of the BIOS, VC1 needs to be enabled as well.
UnitID Clumping:
Simply put, it accounts for not all devices being equally quick at processing information. This allows each device to support a longer waiting line. VC1 accounts for a major drawback of Isochronous Flow-Control mode in that the flow control mode does not allow any information to break line. Everything must wait it's turn. Therefore, if one piece of info is intended for the CPU and in front of it is info the for GPU, the info for the GPU needs to be processed before the CPU info is processed; plus, if there is a waiting line of info to be processed onthe GPU, the CPU info is held up all that much longer. VC1 comes to the rescue by letting the CPU info break line, bypassing the GPU info jam to join the CPU info queue.
This setting only affects HT 3.0, so Phenom's may benefit from it while with Athlon's, it just does not apply. LCLK stands for Latency Clock. The 2x means that instead of one full bandwidth HT Link you are requesting two half bandwidth HT Links. For performance, at times it is better to have a two lane highway; traffic flowing in both directions at the same time along the same strip of asphalt at 50mph, than it is to have a single lane highway along the same strip of asphalt with traffic lights controlling the directional flow at 100mph.
HT Link Tristate:
A power saving feature in addition to ASPM linking. Whatever sections you want to enable Tristate in, you reduce the energy needed to run that area, but the downside is that you also reduce that area's performance
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"There have been some questions about the Bulldozer architecture so this should help clear up any confusion.
First, Bulldozer is based on a modular architecture where two integer cores are teamed up with an extra-large FPU to create what we call a Bulldozer module. Bulldozer modules are the basis of all of the designs that will be coming from this architecture, and it’s modular nature not only allows us to build processors with different sized core counts but also provides flexibility for future designs that could allow other modular components like GPUs to be added into the designs. The Bulldozer module is a concept and part of an architectural design, it is not something that the user will come in contact with. For instance, when an Interlagos system boots up, the hardware will see 16 integer cores, not 8 modules. When the OS loads, it will see 16 integer cores, not 8 modules, and the applications will see 16 cores as well. Because of this extremely consistent manner by which the whole system sees the integer core (and not modules), it is only natural that Interlagos will be marketed as a 16-core processor. It would actually be more confusing to call it an 8-core processor, because there is no point where a customer would see 8-cores.
Secondly, there was a question about the amount of die space that is consumed by having 2 integer cores in a module versus just one. Bulldozer was designed to be a modular architecture where 2 integer cores are able to share certain resources where it makes sense (in order to reduce power consumption) yet still retain discrete components in order to ensure great performance and no bottlenecks. It was never designed as a single integer core in each module, so dissecting the module components becomes a bit more tricky. Some have compared this to SMT and made statements that SMT customers could see a modest increase in performance for only a fraction of die space. We believe that our Bulldozer architecture will provide far greater performance gains than SMT with up to 80% greater expected throughput when running 2 threads simultaneously compared to a single thread running on a single integer core. Our engineers estimate that the amount of discrete circuitry that is added to each Bulldozer module in order to allow for a second integer thread to run is ~12% at the core level, but because the integer cores are only a portion of the overall die space , the addition of the second integer core in each module only adds ~5% of circuitry to the total die. We believe this is an excellent balance of greater performance with a very small silicon cost.
Finally, there are those that have suggested that the two integer cores in the Bulldozer module could potentially be merged together into a single core. This is not true. Perhaps they are confusing the functionality of the FPU, which is flexible enough to be split between the two cores in the module, giving each a 128-bit FMAC simultaneously, OR can be combined into a 256-bit FMAC for one integer core to use exclusively if the second integer core does not need any FPU commands in that cycle.
We hope this clarifies the questions that seem to be most prevalent."
Nyertem egy ilyen kitet az XS-en.
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MX Revolution (+3K) -> Performance Mouse MX
- Cserélhető AA méretű akksi
- Unifying rendszerű ultrakicsi USB receiver
- Menet közben állítható DPI (2 profil, 100-1500 között)
- Menet közben tölthető egy Micro USB csatin keresztül
- Dark Field Laser. Eddig csak a tükrön nem volt hajlandó működni.Valamint látszólag a tappancsokat úgy tervezték hogy könnyen el lehessen őket távolítani. Remélem ez annyit jelent hogy a későbbiekben lehet hozzá kapni új szetet. Esetleg teflonból.
- SmartShift hiánya
Bár ez annyira nem hiányzik de nem bánnám ha benne lenne.
A dobozban volt egy USB -> Micro USB kábel. USB hosszabbító. USB csatlakozós hálózati adapter 230V -> 5.15V. Mindezek egy dizájnos műbőr, belül bélelt hosszúkás Logitech szütyőben voltak, amiben ugyan a mellé pakolt egér nem fér bele, de a VX Revolution (ami mellé persze nem adtak hasonlót) kényelmesen elvan benne.
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Mai OTP web error rovatunk következik:
There are only 3 non-overlapping channels available in the 802.11b standard.These are Channels 1,6, and 11. For WiFi access points that are located near each other it is recommended that they each use one of the above non-overlapping channels to minimize the effects of interference.
This overlapping of 2.4GHz channels are better visualized from the chart below.
Two WiFi networks operating on the same channel are forced to share bandwidth, as they can't "talk" simultaneously, which halves each network's bandwidth. In order to evade this effect, you need to change your access point's channel, but taking the adjacent one won't do it, as WiFi channels are arranged in an overlapping pattern, as you can see from this scheme:
Channel 1 overlaps channels 2 to 5, which therefore may not be used for a neighbouring WiFi network. If channel 1 is used, you should switch to channel >=6.
There must be a spacing of at least 5 channels (or more) between each WiFi network in order to avoid interferences.
Spectrum assignments and operational limitations are not consistent worldwide. Most of Europe allows for an additional 2 channels beyond those permitted in the U.S. for the 2.4 GHz band. (1–13 vs. 1–11); Japan has one more on top of that (1–14). Europe, as of 2007, was essentially homogeneous in this respect. A very confusing aspect is the fact that a Wi-Fi signal actually occupies five channels in the 2.4 GHz band resulting in only three non-overlapped channels in the U.S.: 1, 6, 11, and three or four in Europe: 1, 5, 9, 13 can be used if all the equipment on a specific area can be guaranteed not to use 802.11b at all, even as fallback or beacon. Equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) in the EU is limited to 20 dBm (100 mW).
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AMD's 2010/2011 Roadmap from the IT Professional’s Perspective
• Two integer clusters share fetch and decode logic but have their own dedicated Instruction and Data cache
• Integer clusters can not be shared between threads: integer cores act like a Chip Multi Processing (CMP) CPU.
• The extra integer core (schedulers, D-cache and pipelines) adds only 5% die space
• L1-caches are similar to Barcelona/Shanghai (64 KB 2-way? Not confirmed)
• Up to 4 modules share a L3-cache and Northbridge
• Two times 4 Bulldozer modules (2 x 8 "cores" or 16 cores) are about 60 to 80% faster than the twelve core Opteron 6100 CPU in SPECInt_rate.
With Bulldozer, AMD finally seems to have designed an aggressive integer core. Since the introduction of the Intel Woodcrest in 2006, Intel’s CPUs have been offering superior integer crunching performance per core. Since integer performance determines the performance of 90-95% of the server application out there, this is a big deal.
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GlobalFoundries Outlines 22 nm Roadmap
"Pellerin also said that GlobalFoundries is no longer pursuing the one-transistor ZRAM developed by Innovative Silicon Inc. (ISI, Lausanne, Switzerland), a capacitor-less design based on SOI substrates. Instead, GlobalFoundries is working on a thyristor-based memory with T-RAM Semiconductor Inc. (Milpitas, Calif.). GlobalFoundries and T-RAM announced in mid-May that GlobalFoundries would co-develop 32 and 22 nm versions of the T-RAM, which is based on SOI technology, for low-power cache applications."
"I asked John on the 5% additional space yields 80% more improvement between two cores. When the original info on CTM estimation came out is was 50% yields 80%. I don't know if this was a mistype that was never corrected, or if he really meant Buldozer will compress effectively two cores into the space of one which I too myself am skeptical, but i have never heard this ~5 corrected either way.
This would mean that AMD could fit two Bulldozer modules (4 cores) in the same space a Intel would require for three Nehalem cores or you could say that 4 bulldozer modules, (8 cores) would be the same size as a 6 core Nehalem processor.
However here the information is old, but still relevant: [link]
Core Area - 97.6 mm2
L2 Area - 7.1 mm2
L3 Area - 45.6 mm2Shanghai
Core Area - 61.2 mm2
L2 Area - 15 mm2
L3 Area - 45 mm2This is what I think John meant and probably stated the first time, but never restated; ~5% for %80% more performance is simply die wise compared to the Nehalem not the K10. Now it makes sense.
Bulldozer core is ~105 mm2 (That's 2 Integer cores and 1 shared FP core) This makes sense because 2 10k cores are 61.2 => 122.4 in size, subtract one of the L2 caches => ~105 mm2
So in effect performance density should be.
Nehalem 125% / 97.6 mm2 > 1.28% per mm2
Buldozer 180% / 105 mm2 > 1.71% per mm2
or Bulldozer will be 33% faster per mm2 then Nehalem" -
"The important thing is that each Bulldozer dual-core module is claimed to be smaller (in area) than a Nehalem (or Sandy Bridge?) dual-thread core, while achieving 50% better throughput performance."
"If a processor has 2 bulldozer modules, it will have a total of 4 integer cores and it will appear to the OS as 4 distinct cores. While there is a reduction in die size, the performance gain is massive."
"Possibly one processor with 2 modules (4 cores) and one processor with 4 modules (8 cores). On the server side we have 12 and 16 core processors that have, respectively, 6 and 8 modules."
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