

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • qamu74


    válasz atesz117 #29720 üzenetére

    I little speak english:
    Nem nagyon értem :F

    Valaki ezt lefordítaná, a lényegét? :R

    Thank you for downloading the DigiFlipClock Docklet for SysStats & Objectdock!

    ** Make sure you have SysStats already! **
    1) Extract files into ObjectDock/Docklets/SysStats
    2) Add 2 SysStats docklets to your Objectdock, and put them side by side
    3) Load the 'FlipClockHr.ini' config for the one on the left, and load the 'FlipClockMin.ini' config for the one on the right

    If the docklet background image looks funny/doesn't load:
    1) Right-click docklet
    2) --> 'Configure...'
    3) --> 'Overlays' tab
    4) Select 'Background' from the list on the right and click the 'Configure...' button that appears on the left
    5) Look for 'Path' under the Contents title
    6) Click 'Browse...' and direct the image to 'ObjectDock/Docklets/SysStats/images/flip.png'

    See screenshot for an example of a working DigiFlipClock

    ENJOY! :)

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák