
2024. április 26., péntek



(#434) sp8787


A redditen az egyik platinazo irta ,hogy napi 15h-t jatszott. lol
320 ora HR278 lett meg neki a plat.

Ami hasznosabb amit meg irt:
"Here are the investigations I did to get platinum. I'm not 100% sure if these conditions are what triggers mini and giant crowns, so take it with a grain of salt.

Investigations with 3 tries left have increased chance of a giant crown.

Investigations with with 1 faint and 15 mins have increased chance of a miniature crown.

Once I get these kinds of investigations I usually get a gold crown in less than 2 hours. For those crown hunting, I suggest backing up your save via online or usb and just abuse save scumming."

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