
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Vistaboy


    válasz vante #803 üzenetére

    Na, szóval az a helyzet, hogy mégiscsak új monitort kell venned, ha kell a 4:3-as kép.
    Olvasd el ezt a fórumot, különösen az utolsó hsz-t: [link]

    ''Whenever I try to play with either SpellForce 1, WarCraft 3 or Heroes of M&M5 the display stretches the image and won't leave it on 4:3 scale. I would be better of with two black vertical lines on the left and the bottom. But there is no option for it in the Control Panel.

    EDIT:Solved, I have to buy a monitor (again) with DVI interface...''

    Megoldás: DVI-t kell használnod... :P

    "A battle has been fought, and is now over. Place your sword upon the ground, and rest in the temporal peace. After dozing in the warmth of a dream, a new day will begin." - Fate/Stay Night. Diablo III: Vistaboy#1222

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