
2024. április 28., vasárnap



(#51) cskamacska válasza kenwood (#34) üzenetére


Life.hu, források nélkül. :U "Pénisznagyobbító műtét után meghalt a férfi" cikk mellett. :DDD

National Cancer Institute - Common Cancer Myths and Misconceptions

American Cancer Society - Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer Risk

Cancer Research UK - Cosmetics and toiletries

még a legharapósabb ez volt

Huffingtonpost - Deodorants Containing Aluminium Salts Could Increase Risk Of Breast Cancer, Study Suggests

“I think we should avoid all deodorants containing aluminium salts,” co-author André-Pascal Sappino told The Local.
The oncologist added that he’d like to see aluminium salts banned in the same way asbestos was, but he expects the cosmetics industry to resist this.


According to Science Media Centre, Professor Paul Pharoah of the University of Cambridge also said women should not be too concerned by the study.

“This study shows that aluminium chloride, a chemical that is a main ingredient of many antiperspirants, can turn normal mouse breast epithelial cells into cancer cells when grown artificially in a culture dish. However, when injected into live mice aluminium chloride only caused cancer in a strain of mice that also had a severe deficiency of the immune system,” he pointed out.

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