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  • marilllyo


    válasz negyven2 #2898 üzenetére

    Elvileg nincs missable állat.

    You can't go back to the chapter 5 island “Guarma”. Some animals only live there but aren't needed for “Skin Deep” or “Zoologist”. There are multiple confirmations on this. The animals exclusive to Chapter 5's Guarma island (which are not needed and can be skipped) are: the 3 native Guarma parrots – Blue & Yellow Macaw, Scarlet Macaw and Great Green Macaw, the 4 native Guarma snakes – Sunglow Boa, Rainbow Boa, Red Boa and Fer-De-Lance, and lastly the other native Guarma bird – Red-Footed Booby.

    The rest of the Guarma animals does spawn on the main map: “Cuban Land Crab” & “Green Iguana” spawn on the main map, on the largest of the islands in the Flat Iron Lake on the East side of the lake and directly West of Rhodes just off the shore.

    You must kill and skin all of the skinnable ones (only about half of them can be skinned, ie the animals with pelts. Small animals and birds that can only be “collected” or “plucked” aren't needed – but keep in mind that bigger birds are skinnable).

    Yes, in fact there is one animal you can't study before the end of the story.

    Skin Deep is easier after the story is done because you're no longer wanted in Blackwater once it's finished.

    Sőt a legendary állatok sem kellenek hozzá.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    PSN: Rio__HUN | Tumblr: rio-hun.tumblr.com

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