
2024. június 1., szombat



(#1) manulu

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Üdv !

Letudná nekem ezt fordítani valaki !

Köszi !

i purchased a powercolor 9700 non pro card last week. i noticed that it would act fine for awhile then it would start artifacting, tearing, and eventually vertical black checker-lines in the screen. on restart, immediately i could get it to do it again by running the ''nature'' demo in 3dmark. boy was i pissed. anyway i decided to check the clock speeds. the card came overclocked and unlocked. it was overclocked to almost pro speeds. i figured it was overheating. i ''under''clocked it back to the standard ati speeds, and things were running fine. however that didnt solve the problem, because it was capable of overheating when restarting my system and coruppting the display before windows even started. thats when i knew it was the clock speeds. i contacted powercolor and shot emails back and forth for a few days. finally i told them i was a former computer tech. they reponded with an email asking me for my cards serial number. i sent it to them. AND GUESS WHAT THEY SENT ME BACK, 4 FILES TO FLASH MY BIOS BACK TO ATI STOCK SETTINGS !!!!! I HAVE HAD NO ERRORS SINCE!!! i checked the clock speeds again after flashing the bios, and sure enough they went down to ati standard speeds. by flashing cards bios with the original powercolor bios, the card will always stay at the right speeds and temperatures( EVEN IN DOS AND ON START UP). i use to have the problem ever hour or so, i havent had the problem for almost 2 days now. THIS IS THE FIX!!!!! thank you powercolor. before you flash your card, make sure you let your card cool down until it is completely cold again. dont do it immediately after experiencing the problem, the card will still be overheated and aftifact. once sytem is completely cool( i opened my cpu and ran a fan for a half an hour) then do it.

below is the email instructions and files that powercolor sent me for flashing my bios:

''Please see attached 4 files to update your video card BIOS to see if that helps copy 4 attached 4 files to a floppy disk boot using your DOS floppy disk to A prompt at the DOS command prompt type flashrom /p 0 xf973027.nts hit enter the bios will automatically flash''

i have posted these files for you guys on my website at:


NOTE: sometimes there will be tiny artifacts in DOS while booting up, but once it loads into windows its gone!!!

ALSO PEOPLE HAVE HAD PROBLEMS ON COLD BOOT...GETTING A BLaNK SCREEN, BUT WINDOWS STILL LOADING. its your motherboard or power supply. i hooked the card up to my old PII and it work fines(it also has more watts in the power supply). to bypass this problem, turn on your computer and hit reset about 1-2 seconds later and TAADAAH!! it will turn on.

can the moderator make this a sticky, i feel it deserves it.


(#2) _Volkovy_ válasza manulu (#1) üzenetére


kb annyi lenne a lényege hogy vett egy nem 9700 pro kártyát ami a pro órajelein ment(ennyire volt belőve,valószínűleg pro bios volt benne) és túlmelegedett.küldtek neki egy sima bios-t amivel visszaírás után szépen ment a sima 9700 órajelein,semmi túlmelegedés.alatta pedig az a levél van amit a gyártótól küldtek neki.

(#3) manulu válasza _Volkovy_ (#2) üzenetére

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Ok. Köszi !

Valószínűleg nálam is ez lehet a gond. A sima R9700-as kártyám 275/270 helyett 324/297 Mhz-en ment és egy idő után elkezdett szemetelni. Visszavettem az 275/275-re és így már nem szemetelt.

Mégegyszer köszi !


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